Is my Scale Wrong or am I going wrong?

thriving2slim Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My scale never goes down, and am always at the same numbers, its close to 2 months since I am on MFP, and only once it went down by 2 pounds and it is always there in spite of me doing my regular workout and being within my calories, even before I was on MFP i was always within the calories intake, i am just depressed and feel like a looser and may be would never acheive my goal weight, after I joined MFP and started tracking my food I realised that I was always consuming just around 600-700 cal werein I am supposed to consume around 1200 cal, now I try to do that, and workout I always do 45-60 min on treadmill 5 days a week and for last 2 months even started doing yoga and weight training, but still my scale does not go down, I am losing hopes of seeing my self 50 pounds lesser than my current weight, and I am worried what if one morning, I just stop all this out of depression...........


  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    I feel your pain, it happens. I was stuck for about a month, until I started to do serious strength training and now I'm on the roll again...try not to always go by the scale, measure your success by how your clothes fit, I bet they are looser than they were, or I bet you have more energy than you did before...sometimes the scale can be your enemy, so try to measure your success in other ways...

    Good luck on your journey:flowerforyou:
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    It sounds like youre on the right track, but my question to you is: are you tracking your exercise and eating back your exercise calories? 1200 is the baseline minimum in most cases so maybe you aren't eating ENOUGH.
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Don't give up! Have you tried checking your measurements? Are you clothes fitting differently?
    I have been stuck for several weeks.. almost a month now, so I can relate to your frustration. But I can say that what you are doing for your body through exercise is wonderful so don't stop!
    I was on MFP for several weeks before I got my body on track. I can say that 1200 calories is probably still not enough for your body. I had to bump my calories up from that to 1400-1500 calories just to get the scale to budge. Your body may be storing everything that you eat in order to conserve energy because your body isn't getting enough food to sustain all of that exercise you are working so hard to do!
    Also, I would keep the weigh lifting and resistance training up. Building lean muscle will help your body burn more fat during the day, even when you're just sitting! Interval training while you are on the treadmill, eliptical, bike, whatever for cardio is great too. Also, when you feel like hanging out and watching tv, go for a short walk (take the dogs if you have one) as well, just to keep your body moving. I always watch a movie when I am on the treadmill to distract me from watching the seconds tick away. It keeps me distracted and it gets my tv "fix" for the day, since I don't have cable!
    Most important, congrats on your hard work with the exercise. Don't give up. You will get there. Play around with your calorie totals and see if that helps. You might be surprised!!!
  • penny38_1999
    penny38_1999 Posts: 25 Member
    There could be several reasons why. First off, do you know if you have a thyroid problem? second are you measuring your food? i know its easy to say, that looks like 4 oz or that looks like half of a cup. when it really ends up to be more. I know i cant go without meausuring my food. If i understood you correctly on your cal intake. Maybe you are to low and your body has kicked in and said, she is starving me, i need to hang onto this fat. You should do the calories that MFP says you should, i know if you have alot to lose, you should be at least 1500 calories. I think you need to look at all the things again and see how it goes from there. Good luck and dont give up, we all struggle, but doing something is better then doing nothing at all. at least you are not gaining! if you are staying the same. Might not hurt to try someone elses scales for 2 weeks. see what happens. But good luck anyway. Hang in there.
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    is your scale the exact same at different times of the day or is it just not showing much ?? mine goes up and down pounds every day i would suggest if its always the exact same maybe it is your scale!

    if your really have such a tough time with your weight consult your doctor and get them to write a diet that you can stick to precisely and see if that helps
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member

    Well, you are not alone! I just joined this site today because of the same issue! I have been working out for almost 2 months now, 6 days a week and have hardly seen the scale move. I just weighed myself this morning and was exactly the same as last week! I just dont get it either. But we have to stay positve and just keep trying! If we get down about this we will give up... and what we are doing is helping us become healthier!

    We can do this!!!
  • Hi all,

    thank you soo much for all your support, i am very positive hoping to reduce, but at times depressed..... I am trying to get my diet to 1200 cal.. most of the times, which is a lil difficult for me with kind of food I eat( I am a strict vegetarian) only if have rice my calories shoot up and I actually do not want to eat rice( though I love rice), before MFP I used to consume only around 500-600 cal and now I make it a point to get to 1200 or closer, now I will aim at 1500 cal. If some one can help on this query-- I read in many articles that we should burn more cal., than what we eat, so how does it work if eat 1500 and burn around 700 cal through my workout.. I thank one and all for all your support, and hoping to post my success story very soon...
  • Hello !!!
    Know that first of all you are not alone in your journey. Second know that when you wake up each day that just to wake up and to move around, clean the house, eat, etc. you are already burning calories. These calories that are burned are based on your metabolism, height, weight, etc. Then you have the calories you burn from working out as well. So lets just say for an example I burned 1,000 just from being awake, cleaning, etc... then on top of that my work out, will put me almost over.
    The more you read and the more you are KIND to yourself you will get it. The biggest thing is that you are trying and you care enough about you. You really are that big of a deal, meaning special, important. Few tips: try brown rice, instead of white rice. And being a vegetarian is not really a bad thing, being we pump our animals w/chemicals anyways... but back to your questions... find the fruits, veggies you do like... there are things you can eat out there that perhaps you have not yet tried and maybe you could just try one new thing a month, or every two months. To see if you like it... :)
    Just an idea... main thing overall is that you are working out and eating. You have to eat to lose.
    Me personally this is a new site for me, but what I have been doing in my first month at getting it right and making it a life journey to being well. I am eating 6 meals a day. You can go to your settings in here and change your breakfast, lunch, dinner, to 6 rows instead of the normal 3 we are all use to. I literally get to eat at 6am, 9am, 12noon, 3pm, 6pm... and maybe a snack in between there. That idea really has stuck w/me. It is really a big change. But I am eating small meals. And so far... I an feeling the difference. I will keep you posted and I truly hope this helps. Again, you are special and have support here! Keep your head up!
  • sailyogi
    sailyogi Posts: 16 Member
    Use a tape measure. Maybe your replacing fat with muscle. I had the same frustration. Just couldn't figure out why I only lost 2 lbs after 6 weeks of careful dieting and upping my exersize. Just retook measurements and lost inches.
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