Thunder Thighs



  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    I also have huge thighs. I swear I would accept every other flaw my body had if I could just slim down my thighs!

    This is me too! Every other tiny thing i don't like would be fine!!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Thighs re my worst feature, I am just hoping that they will get better as I lose weight but I accept I will always have big legs. It's part of me, I do feel your pain though. What I wouldn't give to wear skinny jeans x

    Dude, I've got big thighs (currently 25.5" each) and skinny jeans are all I really wear. :laugh: I used to think they'd make me look disproportionate--then I lost weight and some inches in the thighs and started wearing them, and when I regained I never stopped. Skinny jeans and boots. Looks perfectly hot with big thighs.
  • montlucia
    I have big thighs but they don't look out of place because I also have big hips (around 40 inches). It's quite annoying 'cause I'm a bit flabby there and don't know how to tighten it up. But you know I don't feel bad about it anymore because I can't do much about it!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I hate the term "Thunder Thighs". Storing excess fat on your upper legs is a very common trait in women, as is having a decent amount of muscle in the same location. Why do we feel the need to insult roughly 1/3rd of all women?
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    I don't think of muscular legs as being "thunder thighs." I consider my legs as "thunder thighs" b/c they are all jiggly. I hate my thighs and I hope they become more muscular. I want them toned! I get chaffing if I wear dresses w/o some form of shorts underneath. I have cellulite dimples all over my thighs. When I jog, do jumping jacks, or anything that makes my thighs jiggle, you can hear my thighs literally slap together. I'm envious of those muscular thighs that some of you ladies are complaining about.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i was called thunder thighs from about the age of 8, i wish i could say it was because i had muscles but alas i was just fat, been on this diet now for 2 years with a reasonable loss and must admit that my thighs are actually getting shapely and most definately thinner, i put this down to the endless walking i do (i go for 100+ miles per month) or the jogging i have taken up. dont get me wrong my legs are hardly beyonce worthy but im quite proud of them
    i think our bodys hold a mutiny when we diet holding onto the fat in the place we most want to lose it lol
    keep at it you will get there eventually x
  • QueenofComeBacks
    QueenofComeBacks Posts: 165 Member
    I also have big thighs and always had them at 5'1" they appear bigger than they are. But i not try to get rid of my big thighs i just trying to tone them back. i always got complements on my legs and arms for their great tone in highs school & working back toward that! Years without playing softball, running track and kicking on a kickline plus two kids will give you the thighs i have now lol... good luck everyone!
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    I wanna know how this pilates stuff makes your legs longer? That's just amazing that the bone can grow and stretch to make them longer?? I've always hated being 5'4 and 3/4" - think pilates will help me become 5'6" so I can wear regular length jeans and not have them puddle at the bottom??? (notsrs)

    I know you're being tongue in cheek here, but pilates doesn't actually make anything longer. It just gives the appearance of length. Instead of adding bulky muscle, which can make limbs look shorter, it adds lean muscle, which makes limbs appear longer.
  • AlohaKeAkua
    I also have big thighs. I played sports growing up and these babies are big. As I packed on weight, my thighs went from muscles to flubby. When I sat, they were huge. I've been running for the last few weeks and I can see a massive difference already. I get on the tredmill and do 30 mins of work on there: 11 minute mile, fast walk up an incline that I steadily increase over the next 15-18 mins and then slowly lower it until I'm level again. I looked in the mirror the other day and smiled for the first time in a while. I have a while to go, but I'm making the kind of gains I want now! Hang in there! You're not alone!
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    What does QFT mean?

    And yes thunder thighs here as well!

    QFT = Quoted for Truth

    Hahaha, I thought it was Quit ****ing Trying. LOL

    hahahah I thought is was "quit f***ing talking" hahahaha
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    I have big legs....I used to hate them. But someone asked me "did you play softball or something?" I said "Yes for about 10 years. Why?" He said "I can tell because you have those sexy strong softball legs." <--- Notice the quotes. Now I'm a big girl and my legs are big but even under the layer of "insulation" you can still see that they are strong legs. Now I can't wait to have those awesome "real" softball legs I used to have. Just the thought of playing softball and having those strong arms and legs gets me excited. I cannot wait til softball season. I'm gonna do my best to be in shape enough to play this year. We shall see. GO ME!!!!
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