How do y'all get motivated to workout? Hypnosis?



  • Nauti_Buoy
    I know that when I first started instead of making it feel like work I would make games. First it was a pedometer to see how many footsteps I could make in a day. Then I bought the nike fuelband and would challenge myself to make it to a certain amount of calories etc etc. Then I downloaded a nike+gps and started jogging a little, then a little more, always trying to beat my last run even if it was only .10 of a mile.. (I was doing this all on my own, and on my own time no pressure from anyone) THEN it got real when I finally bought a heart rate monitor and played the game of keep you heart rate above _INSERT NUMBER_ beats per minute for 1 hour, then 2 hours etc etc. By doing it without people giving me the "oh what you need to do is.." speeches, I just ..well had fun. Now Im up to 4.5 miles every run and lost lost 30+ lbs. Make it sound like a diet and it always sounds like work, try asking yourself "hey, do you want to play a game?" everyone likes to play games!
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I have a photo of the old me. I look at it often to remind me of how I went from "Good lord, I don't want to go to the gym today ..." to "I cannot wait to lift heavy tomorrow!".

    I also have two pairs of jeans from a few months before I overhauled my life in Dec 2011. They're in a plastic storage tub but I can see them whenever I open my closet door. Those jeans remind me of how frustrated I felt with my double muffin tops. Those muffin tops left sometime ago but I cannot help but feel they will sneak up on me again if I lose focus and/or discipline.

    So the photo and old jeans push me to the gym six days a week. They also motivate me every day to collect one more new healthy recipe for my arsenal. :)
  • LemonMint6
    What helped me to get motivated was to just get started. I had analysis paralysis about what was the "best" work out, and I was spending a lot of couch time figuring that out and then I read this article:

    And I was like... I can do that. I walk walk one freakin' mile a day. I don't even need to adjust my calories to include that. AND doing it means that I am walking 7 miles a week, that is a lot for someone who does nothing.

    So, I started doing it. After creating the habit I just wanted to do more, so I do, now I do C25K, yoga, lift, and hike or swim each week.