Instant Gratification

My end goal is to lose 60 lbs which is incredibly daunting for me. Some people may not like this but I'll admit that I like to be immediately appreciated/rewarded for doing something good. I'm very much like a puppy in that regards. This makes looking at a 60 lbs goal very disheartening for an instant fix kind of gal.

In an effort to utilize my need for instant gratification when it comes to my diet and fitness plans I have decided to break my rewards into two week goals instead of just the overall weight loss goal.

I have just started my 2 week cardio challenge today. I have to check off 2 full weeks of a 20 minute cardio routine a day (I'm using a low impact cardio routine I found on youtube which tends to kick my a**).

When I accomplish this goal my fiance has agreed to take me shopping as a treat for my efforts. I will be making a new goal with a new reward for the next two weeks and so on.

Anybody else get completely overwhelmed by their end goal?


  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Yes and no. I don't get as overwhelmed by it because from the very beginning I decided to break it down into smaller more attainable goals so that I wouldn't get overwhelmed by it. I don't necessarily have to reward myself all of the time because I'm a very internally motivated person, so just the satisfaction of losing the weight and meeting the goal is often enough for me. However, I do sometimes like to set rewards for myself, such as dropping a dress size means I get to buy a new going out dress or dropping a jean size means new jeans and a new top and shoes to go with it. Things like that are helpful in making the whole weight loss process more fun and enjoyable for me. I definitely recommend breaking it down into smaller goals. If you keeping working towards those goals all of the sudden you'll look up one day and realize how close and less overwhelming that ultimate goal is becoming, which is a great feeling!
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I get instant gratification by seeing my little green calories remaining figure each day.
    Can't beat that.

    The long term goal is indeed daunting but my daily green keeps me keen
  • mumreeder
    mumreeder Posts: 222 Member
    Sounds like a great idea what you are doing. I started setting myself goals of 5lb's and then just keep upping it when I reach them - Maybe break your goals down into smaller bits too. It's good to have easier, smaller goals to work towards as they are attainable and will keep you motivated.
  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    I don't get overwhelmed by it but like you I have set mini-goals, I have a nice dinner to attend at the end of Marsh so I've set a goal for that, then I'll set another interim goal where I look at my weight and my body fat % before finalising my final weight goal.
  • BeckyYoungblood
    Hi, my name is Becky, I have tried MFP a couple of times last year and never friended anyone. My goal is to become fit and I know the weight will follow. Just finished my first month of my new healthier lifestyle and I feel empowered. May not seem like much to those who are already healthy, but I am looking for support from those who know how I feel. I don't want to be on a diet, I want to have a healthy lifestyle so I can enjoy life without feeling embarrassed about being in public.

    I have a large amount of weight to loose and I like quick results, who doesn't. Not only am I working on weight loss I am working on how I mentally feel about being heavy, loosing weight and forming lifestyle habits so I don't have to go through this again. It is not just the physical issue of losing weight it is an emotional issue for me of how and why I let this happen and how I can learn to stay in control. I keep telling myself that I may not see the results I want now but in 10 months either I am going to be where I want to be or close to that or I will be the same or worse. The choice is mine. Sounds easy but as you know its not.

    Keep up the good work, you can do it, and short term goals are good ways to feel accomplished. I would enjoy chatting and supporting you.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I can understand where you're coming from. I have (er, had) 46lbs to lose & I just lost my 2nd lb yesterday after 3&1/2 weeks. Patience has never really been a virtue of mine. I was able to start exercising though & I noticed little things in my body changing after just a few days (besides the obvious being sore of course) so that has been good. I try to do little motivations & goals every day if I can so I can feel some accomplishments.