I did something bad... :(



  • IHsmiley
    I overrate by 1500Kcals earlier this week. Yes you read correctly: I basically ate 2 days worth of calories in 1 day! (I had some bad news about my son's health and used that as an excuse to eat...) I felt so depressed after that.
    The next day I decided to start afresh and I feel much better now. Just take it 1 day at a time, try to focus on your weekly intake, then at least when you are over your intake 1 day, you could try to make it up the next, by eating lots of fruit and veg.
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    Stress eating
    Boredom eating

    Yup... Got 'em all.

    Hate to sound like a weirdo but I talk to myself.
    You know

    "i will not eat crap when Im irritated" (or whatever).... "i will not eat crap when Im irritated" "i will not eat crap when Im irritated"

    (Also, junk isle of grocery store you may hear me mumbling: Nononononononono....)

    Okay, maybe I am a weirdo...

    Now, mind you its only worked sporadically up until this last month.
    So for the last month I've been successfully avoiding the crap.

    Maybe its finally sunk in? idk.

    Good luck. Its really hard to overcome but with patience (for yourself) and determination we can do anything, right?
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    There's a too many chocolates?
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    Stress eating--- Get a friend that will listen. Talk to occupy your mouth versus the chocolate. And talking it out may relieve that stress. (Plus a "cheat" isn't all that bad every once in a while).
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I hit the weights when I'm stressed.
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    This is my number one struggle. First, try to figure out what is really bothering you. If you can write about it or talk to someone or somehow try to deal with what is stressing you out, that is great. If you figure that out, you are preventing further binges too. That being said, sometimes you just can't do that. Second, try not to label food as "good" or "bad", because it tends to make you label yourself that way. You are not bad because you turned to chocolate during a stressful time...you are in fact..HUMAN. Forgive yourself and try to choose more healthy options tomorrow. As far as distractions, I find I have to do something physical to stop the binges...go to the gym if you can, take a walk, clean something...play some happy music and dance like nobody is watching!!! Sometimes I get something to drink because sometimes you are actually thirsty, not hungry. My weakness is crunchy...I call it "angry" food. So I try to keep better options...popcorn, almonds, carrots, celery, cheerios...that crunches really well, so I don't go after the chips. Weight Watchers has some yummy options for chocolate ice cream. You can find better options for pretty much anything you want to eat these days...no, they aren't the real thing, but they can be a very close second. Good luck!!!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    its simple,,,, after doing that, go and work it off.
  • nursied
    nursied Posts: 21 Member
    Look in the mirror and say " I am healthy and make healthy choices" then have a hot cup of your favorite tea.
    Then let me know if that works so I can try it! ????
    Move forward. You have the next moment to make a better choice.
  • xveer22
    xveer22 Posts: 93 Member
    Work out. Or just accept the eating for one evening. One evening won't ruin your whole diet.
  • Syl92
    Syl92 Posts: 55 Member
    It's ok to have some chocolate here and there. Best thing to do is work out a little after eating the sweet stuff.
  • MsUnlucky13
    MsUnlucky13 Posts: 29 Member
    Stress is just flat out evil...When you start to get stressed, do something to relax yourself. A hot bubble bath, a cup of tea, or even a bit of exercise.Sometimes all I need is a few deep cleansing breathes. And don't worry about having one chocolate indulgence, that will just cause more stress lol. And the best part is that you realized you went over your calories so next time you need that bit of chocolate, measure it out first and remember this post you wrote so that you wont be tempted to over do it. Stressful things are everywhere, just have to learn to defeat them...I know I am a mom of 3 girls ages 3,10, & 17 they make me want to pull out my hair some days lmbo...Smile, breath, and remember all the positive things that surround you :) Good luck with everything.
  • Courtney24891
    Don't keep bad foods in your house that you can likely binge on.. When you wanna treat yourself get one serving of chocolate at the store..
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    First of all, you didn't do anything "bad." Food is not good or bad, and eating it is not a good or bad or morally-based behavior, it's just a behavior. Try to figure out exactly what caused it, and devise a plan when you are NOT stressed out for how you could handle it next time, whether that is getting rid of trigger foods or having activities on hand that can distract you. For now, though, leave it behind you, move on and make healthy choices for today.

    I am speaking directly from experience, the last two days have not been fun or calorie-free in my world...lol...but today is a new day. :)
  • kw0205
    kw0205 Posts: 62
    Great ideas here - all of them. I do a confession like you did :-) Then, I feel empowered to NOT do it the next time. We went out to eat last night and my husband ordered a plate of onion rings - damn things looked awesome. I had one small one, then ate my steak salad with dressing on the side and just dipped my fork. I got to taste the yumminess of the onion ring, ate healthy, and was happy to see the scale down this morning.

    I feel fortunate I can eat one chocolate, or one ring, (not one french fry tho - oiy!), etc and leave the rest. Hubby can't, so I try not to keep anything in the house he can overindulge in.

    You're doing good - keep up the great work!!
  • m00glem0g
    m00glem0g Posts: 21 Member
    I once had a therapist (yes, I find therapy very helpful) who gave this advice about stress eating...

    1. Don't be angry with yourself or punish yourself. Acknowledge that you're feel hurt or vulnerable and are trying to self-soothe.

    2. Recognize that this may not be the most helpful way to soothe, but at the moment it's the best you can do. Give yourself some credit for trying your best in the moment when you have no other choices.

    3. Later, when you're in a calmer state, stop and think about ways that you can love yourself when you're hurting. If you were your own friend or partner watching you being stressed or upset, what would make you feel better? A bubble bath? Your favourite movie? Going out dancing? A massage? A bouquet of fresh flowers? Find something other than food that will make you smile.

    4. Last, if you're really sinking into stress or a funk (lasting too long), GET MOVING. MOVE YOUR BUTT. Go for a walk, clean your house, whatever. MOVE MOVE MOVE and you will feel better.

    I found this advice helpful and I hope that you do too!
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I stress starve...but I boredem eat! Today I ate two pieces of work pizza. SO BAD! I ahve to workout to make up for it. Can you do some jumping jacks? or any otehr cardio tonight to burn it off?
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member

    First of all, you didn't do anything "bad." Food is not good or bad, and eating it is not a good or bad or morally-based behavior, it's just a behavior. Try to figure out exactly what caused it, and devise a plan when you are NOT stressed out for how you could handle it next time, whether that is getting rid of trigger foods or having activities on hand that can distract you. For now, though, leave it behind you, move on and make healthy choices for today.

    I am speaking directly from experience, the last two days have not been fun or calorie-free in my world...lol...but today is a new day. :)

    Yes, yes. Labeling food as "bad" or "good" puts a moral judgment on food. Eating the "bad" ones leads to guilt, which leads to stress, which leads to eating more "bad" food. I eat chocolate every day because I like it. I make chocolate pumpkin muffins (105 calories), sugar free chocolate pudding snacks (60 calories), or I have a York Peppermint Patty snack-size ) 50 calories EVERY DAY.

    I eat pretty healthy food for meals and snacks, so I consider the addition of these little treats (and a glass of wine) part of an enjoyable lifestyle. I often work out my whole food diary in the morning when I get up, so I have my calories planned for the day.
  • Sakura_Tree
    Sakura_Tree Posts: 142 Member
    if this happens once a week it shouldn't be a problem..but anymore than once and you wont get results