Help figuring out the amount of calories needed?

So I started back on my weight loss journey about 5 weeks ago. I was eating 1380 calories a day. I was working out but became very tired and didn't want to really do anything. About once a week I would be starving and eat over my calories... I also only lost 2 lbs and then put 1 back on : (. So I started researching and realized I wasn't eating my BMR. BMR is 1490 and TDEE 2048. So this last week I upped my calories to 1650 in hopes of better feeling me and more weight loss. My questions are 1. If I am at 1650 do I eat back my excerisize calories? 2. Is 1650 a good number? 3. Did I figure everything right? I would really like to loose 20lbs (but would settle for 15) and just get/look/feel healthier. I have also added in 5 and 10lb dumbbells into my workout as well as crunches,sit ups, push up,etc. How do I figure the calories on muscle training or do I not worry ab it? Any info would be great. I am a little lost!!!!


  • badmojo108
    If your TDEE is 2048 and you are eating 1650 a day you should be on pace to lose a just little under 1 lbs a week if you eat back your exercise calories. With only 15-20 lbs to go that sounds just about the perfect pace to me.