

  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    fellow chocohalic

    my faves are vanilla chobani with chocolate chips

    or take frozen sliced bananas put them in the blender or food processor and add in cocoa powder or chocolare flavored PB2. Tastes like ice cream
  • MirjaH79
    I do the same, have some small treat every day to avoid the insane craving. Chocolate bars are not for me, but I love it dark when I have some.

    A nice low calorie treat is home made choccocino-wiener coffee: a couple of spoons of cocoa powder (plain, no sugar added ) in the mug and on top a cappucino (and if you don't like it non-sweetened add just a hint of stevia sweetener).
    Total calories ca. 40.

    The sugar coated rice cakes are also brilliant, but it's funny how they too seem to call to me in the kitchen cupboard and I might end up munching the whole package, so usually I don't buy those. :blushing:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    M and M's are my go to chocolate fix.

    The serving size is a quarter cup,which isn't much, but since they are small it makes it look like you are getting so much more.

    When I do treat myself, I go for a Vogess chocolate bacon bar.. So darn good!
  • christinak74
    christinak74 Posts: 25 Member
    I keep a bag of Dove Promises Dark Chocolate in my freezer. One has only 42 calories and are great for a chocolate fix. :tongue:
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    Bumping for a friend :happy:
  • haeyleyj
    im going to try making clean chocolate i hear its yummy and better for you :S not sure but worth a shot lol
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    Bumping for a friend :happy:
    have a funny feeling that might be me! :blushing:
    I get by on a chocolate protein shake every week day and I can make a handful of Cadbury Giant Buttons from the fridge last over half an hour in the evening by taking little nibbles, whilst hub scoffs his down in minutes!
    I'm also rather partial to Nutella on ricecakes or toast, or by the teaspoonful :laugh:
    I don't mind spending 200 cals on chocolate because I know I can live with that for life. My son swears that I should go cold turkey on chocolate but I would be a miserable old bag if I did that and like you say, it leads to excessive consumption of the lovely stuff in one quick sitting!

    I've also bookmarked the chocolatecoveredkatie website. Not sure if you can get Stevia in the UK though, anyone know?
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    I am a chocoholic too! I found a really satisfying dessert is 1/2 of a sliced anjou pear with 1 TBSP of melted semi sweet chocolate chips on top and 1/2 TBSP of sliced almonds. I am really working on cutting back on sugar (my sweet tooth has been out of control) and this is really delicious and very manageable calorie wise for me to fit into my daily plan!
  • Metoria6969
    Metoria6969 Posts: 4 Member
    New Fiber One Choclate cereal. Onlly 80 calories per serving without milk.

    It's very good and very tasty.

    Pour yourself a little cup in the morning and snack throughout the day just the dry cereal.

    Or if your having a late night craving enjoy with milk.

    Special K has a choclate strawberry cereal also it's probably good, I bought it just haven't tried it yet.
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    I keep a bag of Hershey's kisses in the freezer. They thaw really quickly and are very satisfying.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    yummy,,, pick the darkest chocolate you can find,,, with a nice bottle of RED!!!
  • witchiipooh
    witchiipooh Posts: 42 Member
    When I read this I was like OMG that is so me! I try to buy something different every week because if I have it in the house at the same time I will have a total pig out, but some of the things I rotate through are... Jell-O Dark Chocolate Mousse, Hoodsie 100 Calorie Ice Cream Cups and Dark Chocolate Espresso Beans (only a few of those really hit the spot). Hope this helps :)
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    I like Emeralds Cocoa almonds and hershey special dark chips!! Together or seperate! Can't give up chocolate!!
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Maltesers, for sure. 11 calories each so you can see exactly what you've got room for.

    Also Cadbury Curly Wurly. Chocolatey but take a good time to eat as they are so chewy.

    I also swear by snack size Mars bars, you can eat a whole one slowly and you think "I just ate a WHOLE Mars Bar".
  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    A Chocolove bar will last me a few days. I usually eat three squares when I get a craving.

    I've found the better quality the chocolate, the richer it tends to be so it's more satisfying.

    My favorite flavors are Dark Chocolate with Cherries and Chilies (little bit of heat!) and Dark Chocolate with Peppermint :love:
  • chrisilouhoo
    chrisilouhoo Posts: 73 Member
    Do you have a favourite chocolate combination flavour?

    Mine is Mint Chocolate and I found that President's Choice Chocolatey Mint tea works for me. Available in Canada, not sure if there is an equivalent out there. No calories and I found that it's easier on digestion than low cal hot chocolate after dinner.

    There are also a lot of dark chocolate bars with additional flavours. Peppercorn, toffee bits, coconut, chili peppers. So much flavour in one square, it feels like more of a treat with less.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    I never intend to give up least not in this lifetime and I know in Heaven, chocolate will not be bad for you, haha! Here are my suggestions....thinsations are wonderful 100 calorie packages of goodness. The other thing I freeze chocolate foil covered eggs and when the craving hits (3-4) times a day, I pop one in my mouth and let it melt, lasts 5-10 minutes. They are about 35 calories each and I often log 5 a day but really helps with the cravings.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    If you're craving chocolate then give your body chocolate ;)

    If you don't satisfy a craving then you're more likely to eat every thing around it until that craving is satisfied (well, at least that's how I work any way lol.)

    If I am really having a bad chocolate craving (which I haven't had in a long time - especially after I gave up on Atkins products because I found that the bars were stalling my weight loss a bit) then I reach for those low impact chocolate treats. You don't have to get Atkins, as there are other brands, but Atkins does make some really yummy treats - chocolate covered coconut bars were my favorite, and the nutty fudge brownies were a close second.
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    I love Mayfield's low fat Ice Cream Sandwiches. They come in chocolate or vanilla and are 130 calories each. And they are huge. Totally wonderful.
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    First of all, let me answer the OP question. I agree with those who use the Hershey Kiss "method". I find that individually wrapped small portions are easier to deal with than, say, just eating a little bit of a chocolate bar and putting the rest in my desk for next time. Because next time inevitably becomes "10 minutes later).

    I can't tell you how glad I am to see people be totally honest about their chocoholism!! I have had a chocolate tooth my ENTIRE LIFE. No kidding. Quite literally, I rarely went more than a day without chocolate for years and years, and I know that my chocolate obsession is in large part to blame for my current body state. Oh, and when Aunt Flo is in town YOU BETTER WATCH IT because I will mow you down to get chocolate. And if you're on this thread you know (as OP has alluded) that chocolate begets more chocolate, and you find yourself in a quagmire trying to figure out how to make it all work out without blowing your daily total.

    I never specifically set out to eliminate or even drastically reduce my chocolate consumption when I joined MFP. Any time I have dieted I have had to figure out how to incorporate the luscious stuff into my daily intake, no questions asked. Chocolate was part of my life, and that's just how it had to be.

    That being said, a funny thing happened when I started taking a magnesium supplement about a month ago. It was not instantaneous, but it was quite soon after that I realized I no longer felt the primal chocolate urge. What's more, my weekend red wine cravings went by the wayside, too. I was curious and decided to see if there was something to all of this. Turns out there is something to it. Studies have shown magnesium to be beneficial to curbing cravings and also studies have shown that many addicts are often magnesium-deficient. Magnesium has lots of other benefits, but I've already hijacked the topic enough so I'll leave it at that. Just something to consider if you find yourself frustrated by how chocolate has control of you. Again, I never specifically set out to reduce chocolate cravings because I assumed it was just part of who I am.