First weight in help!

okay so i have changed my diet for just over a week now, the doc weighed me i was 122.5 23rd jan and today i weighed myself and was 117.3 :/ could this be right? or do i need new scales lol



ps feel free to add me :) x


  • laurenmchugh3
    laurenmchugh3 Posts: 25 Member
    sorry forgot to put kg x
  • Anthony110101111110001101
    Different scales will report differently, even between having the scale on a hard of soft surface. Is that in pounds or kilos? If you are eating and drinking correctly you could have also lost a lot of water weight. FR sent. :)
  • laurenmchugh3
    laurenmchugh3 Posts: 25 Member
    i weigh myself in kg i have have one bad day i weighed myself in my bathroom and kitchen both times 177.3 thanks for relpying
  • akhilton
    What Aysmonte says.. Plus, if you have not dieted for a while and have dramatically changed your eating habits then the first 2-3 weeks can show a rapid weight loss, which should settle down to 1-2lb per week... (0.5-1kg).

    Always weigh on the same day/time each week.
    Make sure you have the scales on a hard surface.

    You could always treat yourself to some fancy scales if you wanted! ;-)
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    When you were weighed at the doctors were you fully clothed? When you did it at home were you also fully clothed?

    I would record the weight you are at home and weigh at the same time each week or month in the same condition. i.e. I weigh every Friday morning, after using the bathroom and in underwear. Then you are comparing apples with apples!
  • laurenmchugh3
    laurenmchugh3 Posts: 25 Member
    I had my shoes on at the doctors that will make a big difference! but at least i know i have lost something :) x
  • misssmarita
    It is a lot of weight to lose in just a week, but if this was your first week I wouldn't say it's unhealthy. As kellster111 said, being dressed/naked will make a difference on the scales, but you definetely lost a lot :) Your scale is probably fine, but always make sure the battery is ok, that the scale is placed on an flat, hard surface, and that you stand on the scale with pretty even weight distribution. Congrats on the huge weight loss though! Happy for you :)
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    The more you have to lose, the quicker you'll lose it at the beginning. As you said your shoes will make a difference too.
  • laurenmchugh3
    laurenmchugh3 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you! i will just need to weigh myself same time every week to see the difference i dont see much of a difference but i feel a million times better mentally and physically x