Side Affects of Splenda, leg pain

I have had leg pain, joint pain in my legs, hip pain, and just feeling tired everyday to the point that it was keeping me from exercising. I have had this pain for about 3 years now. I am 49 yrs. old, so i thought it was just an aging thing. Then i thought, i am still too young to feel like this. I even bought a new expensive Ellipticall from Sears over a year ago, and i have been on that thing twice since, because of my legs & joints hurting so bad.
I been hearing alot about the use of Splenda & other artificial sweeteners & the side affects, but just kept drinking my several cups of coffee a day plus several diet sodas a day.
But recently i been reading several articles online about the side affects of splenda, diet sodas, & other artificical sweeteners, and alot of people's comments on that, and alot of people said that they had leg pain & joint pain, and when they quit using diet sodas and splenda, their pain went away. Miracle...
I got to thinking, that has got to be my problem. because i consume as much as 4 or 5 cups of coffee with a pk of splenda in each cup, plus maybe 4 or more diet sodas a day on a normal day.
So i switched to Decaffinated coffee (PLAIN) & cut down to about 2 or 3 diet sodas a day, plus cut out Splenda all together. And i have been off Splenda for 2 days now, and i can already tell a big difference in how my legs feel. They still feel tired & little achy, but i guess it takes a while to get that splenda out of your system, plus i am still drinking some diet soda, so splenda must have been the problem for me.
I am going to cut the diet sodas out comletely too. I cannot wait to exercise again. I will give my legs a couple more days to heal off the splenda before i get on the Elliptical. My goal is to completely cut out the diet sodas too, and anything else with artificial sweeteners in it, because i am so very sick and tired of HURTING in my legs and feeling so tired and drained all the time. I been to the doctor, so it is not arthritis or anything like that.
Has anybody else expeirenced pain when using splenda or diet sodas or caffiene?


  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    What you experienced is not uncommon. I've read/ learned/ studied a boat load about artificial sweeteners since 2006. Aspartame is the WORST! There have been soooooooooo many health problems resulting from that stuff. I only use a dash of stevia on occasion in my tea - natural, no calorie, doesn't alter blood sugar, etc. I don't drink soda, but if I had the choice, I'd probably often choose the regular over diet soda because I do not want to consume that kind of stuff AT ALL.