Well 25 days on MFP and not lost one pound , I have upped my calories from 1600 to over 2000 this week and hope to see some movement .
I exercise and lift weight pretty well 4 times a week burning 1000 calories or more and walk at the weekends .
Getting a little p****d off but know to lose 80lb will take time , but most people my size lose 6-8lb their first week
Just a little moan :embarassed: but I know I am eating healthier and getting fitter each day


  • babymaddux
    babymaddux Posts: 209 Member
    i'm the same. i keep seeing people losing in a week, double what i lost in a month!

    all i can think is that they must have been eating really really badly before! and i know i need to bring in some real exercise, but i haven't got into that mindset yet. plus, it's bloody cold!

    so here's to month 2. keep doing what you're doing and hopefully we'll both see a huge drop :drinker:
  • anzi888
    anzi888 Posts: 102 Member
    I've been here for 100 days. Lost 3 pounds. But lost over 8 inches. Takes measurements and pictures. (Mine are in my profile pictures)
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    You may need to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to find out what is going on. They might be able to offer some healthy suggestions.

    Don't give up, though. Keep going and eventually results will follow.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Weight lifting is definitely good along with some cardio. I looked at your diary and here are my are not drinking enough water, you are way under your calories on almost every day (not a good thing), where are your vegetables? and wow...your sodium on many days is way over. Just to compare, I am female, 46, weigh 145 and I eat about 1500 calories daily (although I don't eat back my exercise calories which are usually about 100-200 3-5 days a week). I drink 8 glasses of water a day and try to keep my sodium under 1700.

    Suggestions...add a few servings of veggies to your day, up your calories, drink more water, watch your sodium (drink extra water on days your sodium is high) and keep up the exercise. Hope you took measurements, you are likely losing inches. Be patient, it can take time.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Out of curiosity, how do you know that you're burning over 1000 calories in your workouts? Not to say that that's wrong, but in a good hour's workout I usually burn 300-400, maybe a tad more on my best days. Are you working out for hours?

    Eating at least 2000 calories is a good move, less is definitely not enough for an adult male.

    I think my advice is 1) make sure you drink all the water you can 2) eat more protein (which probably means slightly less carbs), it will help you maintain/gain muscle and 3) give it another month

    Take measurements around different parts of your body. I almost want to guarantee in another month's time you'll see a difference in your stomach or elsewhere, regardless of what the scale says. Before this month, did you do much physical activity? If your body is adjusting to a completely new routine, it's likely in a bit of shock -- for some people that results in some quick weight loss right away, but not for everyone. Honestly, that you think you should have lost 6-8 pounds your first week is arbitrary and meaningless. Just keep at it! You'll start to see results, I'm sure
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    Out of curiosity, how do you know that you're burning over 1000 calories in your workouts? Not to say that that's wrong, but in a good hour's workout I usually burn 300-400, maybe a tad more on my best days. Are you working out for hours?

    I tend to get close to 1000 in approximately a hour on my best days, but im usually trying to push myself well out of my comfort zone when doing so( I use a HRM to measure cal. burned, and I may or may not stay above 180 for the majority of my workout ).

    my daily workout consists of 10 -> 25 minutes of excercise bike on max setting, then 20 to 40 minutes of weights with under 30 seconds between sets (when one set of muscles gets painful I immediately start working on another, then after going through biceps, triceps forearms, chest,back legs, abs, I up the weight and repeat. )

    I find that the days where my weight does not move my fat% does. ive had a good run this week ( at the moment im 95kg, started at 113 about 2 months ago, 28 yearold male. been eating at 1300 to 1450 cal every day, excercise between 400 and 750 cal 5->7 days a week. ) My diet is pretty high protein (70 to 140g per day) and low fat(under 20 most days), medium carb, and low sodium.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Out of curiosity, how do you know that you're burning over 1000 calories in your workouts? Not to say that that's wrong, but in a good hour's workout I usually burn 300-400, maybe a tad more on my best days. Are you working out for hours?

    I tend to get close to 1000 in approximately a hour on my best days, but im usually trying to push myself well out of my comfort zone when doing so( I use a HRM to measure cal. burned, and I may or may not stay above 180 for the majority of my workout ).

    Fair enough :) Goes to show that what applies for a 5'6" 140-pound female does not necessarily apply for a larger/probably taller male.
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    Out of curiosity, how do you know that you're burning over 1000 calories in your workouts? Not to say that that's wrong, but in a good hour's workout I usually burn 300-400, maybe a tad more on my best days. Are you working out for hours?

    I tend to get close to 1000 in approximately a hour on my best days, but im usually trying to push myself well out of my comfort zone when doing so( I use a HRM to measure cal. burned, and I may or may not stay above 180 for the majority of my workout ).

    Fair enough :) Goes to show that what applies for a 5'6" 140-pound female does not necessarily apply for a larger/probably taller male.

    im only 5 ft. 8" 209 pounds so thats completely true :P and I am unsure about others but often I go until all the things hurt, then stop hurting then start to hurt again :P,

    Could it be possible that the OP is using something like a fitbit and taking its calorie adjustment as gospel ? my wife has one and it tells her that she burns 300/400 when doing shopping and housework, I dont track anything that I do outside of the gym out of fear that it will cause me to loose motivation to actually hit the gym.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'd quit eating the exercise calories back and see what happens.
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    I'd quit eating the exercise calories back and see what happens.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ This is most likely the correct answer