No More Excuses Week 20



  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning Team! Yeay!!! It's FRIDAY!!! Well Hawkeye.....enjoy your weather!! Here in Colorado we are suppose to be like 50 today with wicked Winds, Thunderstorms turning to Snow tonight and all day tomorrow!!! YUCK!!!! SNOW SNOW GO AWAY!!!!!! DH & I tried to go for a walk last night after dinner. Walked a little ways and he was freezing so turned around and ran part of the way home!

    My excercise will be shoveling snow I'm sure!!! Sunday is suppose to get much better and then 70's next week! YIPEE!!!! I have yet to figure out why I live in Colorado when I do not like the Cold. I like snow at Christmas and that's it!! ;)

    Should be a fairly uneventful day at work. Kids didn't have school today because of P/T conferences. Even after they got Wed off becase of the Snow! Screwy week for them!!!

    Hope everyone has a splendid Friday! And get up and get some excercise.....Even if it is jogging around the house, or walking more around the office. Keep on Keepin' on!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Friday...Just a quick hello. I'm finished working today and heading to North Carolina for a women's conference at my step-mom's church. Will check back in on Sunday. Have a great weekend!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Completed week 4 today. I acutally was able to complete all of day 3 without any modifications. Not sure if I will redo week 4 or give week 5 a shot. Will decide on Sunday.

    Gained a pound this week but I expected that. Wasnt that strict this week. Today I blew it with breakfast, then going out for supper and beer today, going bowling and supper and drinks tomorrow, so will definately have to get it together Sunday if I hope for a loss next week. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Teresa - Glad to hear your hubby got the job.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning all....YIPEEE......we woke up this morning to NO SNOW>>>>> So excited. Plus it is suppose to get up to around 54 or so. Should be a good day, other than the wind is suppose to be blowing like 30 mph.

    Got some house work to do today and get our youngest to bowling and bb practice. Pretty uneventful day.

    Hopefully will try and get on the wii today sometime to get some excercise. If not will get on the treadmill. The other day during the snow storm and I was the only one in my office.....I got my excercise by changing around my office. My desk weighs a ton and I was sweating up a storm as I had worn 2 sweaters as well because of the cold outside. GEEZ.....maybe I will move furniture around today in the house. My family would love that!!! ;) NOT!!!!!!

    Well, everyone make it a super day.....And drink your water!!!! ;) Mainly me.. That seems to be my downfall on the week-ends.

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Sunday morning...Is today our weigh-in day? I am confused. My weight is 171 this morning. I was down to 170 on Friday but then I went to the women's conference at my step-mom's church and they had way too much food everywhere. I haven't exercised since Thursday so today I will get back to the gym. It was beautiful yesterday while I was inside all day and today it is raining. Oh well, I enjoyed the conference. Now it is back to work. Have a great day!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I missed weighing in last Monday. I was at my mom's in Florida without internet. I will weigh in tomorrow and post it then.
    I think our weigh in date is Monday??? I hope so. I need one more extra day to get off my weight gain from driving back in the car for 2.5 days.

    susan (smwert)
  • kelkie11
    kelkie11 Posts: 18

    not that good of a week.. 258.0 - down point 6
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good Palm Sunday everyone!!!! Hope you have a blessed day.

    Not a good weight loss week.....In fact weight gain week. 1 lb. YUCK!!!!! I am determined to pull myself out of this rut I seem to be in. I was complaining this morning and my 19 year old said something to the effect that "Well I don't think what we had for meals was any help...." I had to laugh. So TRUE!!! He and I fixed Enchiladsas a few nights back and we have had leftovers. Thank goodness they are all now gone!!!

    This is a new week and I am going to make the most of it!!! Have a great HOLY Week!!!!

  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Send me your weigh ins. I will post all weights I have by noon tomorrow.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good Monday morning!!! How is everyone doing???? We seem to be dropping! Hope no one is giving up!!!! WE have to stick together through all this!!! However, boy do I know how schedules can get crazy!

    Make this your best week. I am making this my best week. I am determined to stick with the plan and be successful this week. I have a feeling it will be interupted by TOM but I am not going to let that defeat me!!!! (Sorry guys)

    Anyway. Hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful Monday!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Lalalalalalalalalala. (ears covered)

    Need a couple more weigh ins................Born n Raised, SeminoleFan30, Sarina87

    So far results are looking pretty good overall.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday...Kids started spring break today and I am almost finished working. We are planning to go camping this weekend at a local state park, hope to get in an extra activity daily with the kids to celebrate spring break. Gotta get to the gym today. I feel like I am slipping, so easy to do. I will have a better week this week.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Afternoon all. Well I had a good fun weekend, which turned into a eat lots of junk and drink lots of beer (lol). Back on track today, but the next few weeks we have lots of functions to go to, so it is going to be a struggle. Hopefully I can stay on track. Right now I do not under any circumstances want to go above 160 again, and I am borderline, so I have to try to stay in the right mindframe. Now that spring is in the air, it should be easy to at least get in my 3km walk, if I can't make the treadmill. Going to step aerobics tonight.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Happy Monday...Kids started spring break today and I am almost finished working. We are planning to go camping this weekend at a local state park, hope to get in an extra activity daily with the kids to celebrate spring break. Gotta get to the gym today. I feel like I am slipping, so easy to do. I will have a better week this week.

    I agree.....Let's do this together Tammy!!!!