Gym newbies already gone at my gym ...



  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    The "January Joggers" as a I call them are still plaguing my gym, and to be honest its annoying, cant get a squash court for love nor money over 3 centres :(
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    Ohhhh maybe i'll start going again and not have to wait in line for a treadmill :/
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    When I had a membership I only got rreally frustrated at the men heeving like a horse (as though they couldn't workout without making a ridiculous amount of grunting noises). :-P
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Why do people cheer about this? The way I see it, if your gym and it's members had been more supportive of the newbies at a time when you all knew they would be challenged, maybe you could have helped them stick with it and made a real difference in more of their lives. Clearly, your gym doesn't do well by the members who need it the most (the new ones).

    It's gym humor and it's frankly based in economic reality. None of us is responsible for whether someone shows up or not. It's up to them to make the commitment and stick with it.

    I beg to differ. It's a sign of a chronic gym problem that no one cares enough to bother fixing. I'm not saying that every noobie would stick with it, but I do think that gyms and their members could do a lot more to help AND still make a profit while doing so.

    For example, last time I joined a gym they gave me a key fob thingy to scan to get past the front desk. Gyms could do so much more with those, like send an email to the member if a week or more has gone by and they haven't come in.

    aka: It's Febuary and you know what that means! It's time to re-affirm those new year resolutions. We've missed you this week(month, etc). Please join us for <insert free or low cost perk> on <date> or stop by the front desk to set up a session with one of our personal trainers. Mention this email to get 10% off your first training session.

    Heck, even just using the fob to "learn" my name would have been nice. aka: I scan the fob, screen tells the front desk who I am (exists) and desk person SHOULD say "HI <name>!" and look at me to acknowledge my existence.

    Or, have a bulletin board for members and newbies seeking "accountability buddies."

    Or have a sign up sheet for members to become newbie mentors/buddies. It could be as simple as promising to call the noobie once a week. For each week/month a mentor's noobie comes in, give the member a % off next year's membership. That way the mentor member gets a perk and the noobie is more likely to renew his/her membership next year AND more likely to recommend the gym to a friend. More members who renew = more money for profit and for improvements to the gym or even opening extra locations.

    I'm glad to hear that some members do try to help out the noobies. That was never my experience when I was at the local gym, but I was "noobie" in early Nov of that year, not January. Maybe no one recognized me as new even though I went at the same time each day. I live in a friendly town, but it seemed like at the gym few people smiled or waved back, even at the front desk or the locker room. Everyone was too busy living in their own world. It made me miss my old campus gym from college. I let my membership to the local gym expire. For the same price as a fancy gym membership for a year, I can buy craig list equipment and just stay home, instead.

    I know that the noobies have their own share of responsibility for whether they go to the gym or not. BUT I firmly believe that gyms and their members could help a lot more of them than they do. That's a sign of a gym that's not properly serving it's members. All the gym cares about is it's pocketbook, rather than it's most valuable asset---the members (new and old).


    These are adults, not children you have to round up after recess. They get reminded about the gym every time the fee's come out every month. No one's bragging, it's just a fact.
  • Lennonluv2
    Lennonluv2 Posts: 956 Member
    It's no different than all the people who flood the weight watcher meetings only to give up few weeks later..however I am actually looking forward to a little less action at my Gym. :smile:
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    OOOORRRRR adults learn to take responsibility for their actions...and remind themselves to go to the gym...and find their own buddies.

    Good lord.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I got a couple of big ladies walking side by side at the indoor track at my gym, and never staying in their lane. I applaud them for trying. I wish they'd fall over the railing when they get in front of me. Once is fine, I get it. Even twice. But after I've passed you 7 or 8 times, get a friggin' clue heffer.

    I /really/ hope you're just trolling.

    Uh, ditto.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Ironically, the regulars have just this week started talking to me. I just so happened to start at a new gym in January because of a promotion and a move to a new office, so obviously they would have no way of knowing I have stuck to this about 9 months now. Good thing is at 7am there is not a whole lot of people anyway.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    My gym is a chain with multiple locations - and I use that freedom frequently. So I may not be at one of them for a while; doesn't mean I stopped working out, it just means that I'm working out somewhere else at that time. I use two or three of the locations in my city, AND the great outdoors, and a specialty gym.

    And I started in January.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I go to a mostly "seniors" gym that's part of our local hospital ........ and yes, we have all the latest equipment & classes ......

    When people don't show up for awhile, I think they died ....... and am greatly relieved when I see them again :heart:

    Keep on truckin' !
  • My gym was crazy packed the week of Christmas thru about the 19th of January. Last week it was so so. Last night it was dead. Not that I am complaining any....I have my regular parking spot and am not subjected to having the choice of 1 elliptical or 1 treadmill.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    It's just Darwinism at work.

    Those that want to take responsibilitiy and work great. If not there's always next year

    Going to the gym is work. And as you can tell by the state of the world right now a lot of people just don't want to work
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    Why do people cheer about this? The way I see it, if your gym and it's members had been more supportive of the newbies at a time when you all knew they would be challenged, maybe you could have helped them stick with it and made a real difference in more of their lives. Clearly, your gym doesn't do well by the members who need it the most (the new ones).

    It's gym humor and it's frankly based in economic reality. None of us is responsible for whether someone shows up or not. It's up to them to make the commitment and stick with it.

    I beg to differ. It's a sign of a chronic gym problem that no one cares enough to bother fixing. I'm not saying that every noobie would stick with it, but I do think that gyms and their members could do a lot more to help AND still make a profit while doing so.

    For example, last time I joined a gym they gave me a key fob thingy to scan to get past the front desk. Gyms could do so much more with those, like send an email to the member if a week or more has gone by and they haven't come in.

    aka: It's Febuary and you know what that means! It's time to re-affirm those new year resolutions. We've missed you this week(month, etc). Please join us for <insert free or low cost perk> on <date> or stop by the front desk to set up a session with one of our personal trainers. Mention this email to get 10% off your first training session.

    Heck, even just using the fob to "learn" my name would have been nice. aka: I scan the fob, screen tells the front desk who I am (exists) and desk person SHOULD say "HI <name>!" and look at me to acknowledge my existence.

    Or, have a bulletin board for members and newbies seeking "accountability buddies."

    Or have a sign up sheet for members to become newbie mentors/buddies. It could be as simple as promising to call the noobie once a week. For each week/month a mentor's noobie comes in, give the member a % off next year's membership. That way the mentor member gets a perk and the noobie is more likely to renew his/her membership next year AND more likely to recommend the gym to a friend. More members who renew = more money for profit and for improvements to the gym or even opening extra locations.

    I'm glad to hear that some members do try to help out the noobies. That was never my experience when I was at the local gym, but I was "noobie" in early Nov of that year, not January. Maybe no one recognized me as new even though I went at the same time each day. I live in a friendly town, but it seemed like at the gym few people smiled or waved back, even at the front desk or the locker room. Everyone was too busy living in their own world. It made me miss my old campus gym from college. I let my membership to the local gym expire. For the same price as a fancy gym membership for a year, I can buy craig list equipment and just stay home, instead.

    I know that the noobies have their own share of responsibility for whether they go to the gym or not. BUT I firmly believe that gyms and their members could help a lot more of them than they do. That's a sign of a gym that's not properly serving it's members. All the gym cares about is it's pocketbook, rather than it's most valuable asset---the members (new and old).

    maybe we should give them carpet squares and chocolate milk and pass out snacks while we all read charlottes goodness what happened to accountability....there are excuses for everything now a days
  • Jordy1983
    Jordy1983 Posts: 25 Member
    Or you could just focus on what you're doing and drop the elitist attitude.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Why do people cheer about this? The way I see it, if your gym and it's members had been more supportive of the newbies at a time when you all knew they would be challenged, maybe you could have helped them stick with it and made a real difference in more of their lives. Clearly, your gym doesn't do well by the members who need it the most (the new ones).

    Sometimes you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Anyone who wants a thing bad enough will find a way to get it.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Why do people cheer about this? The way I see it, if your gym and it's members had been more supportive of the newbies at a time when you all knew they would be challenged, maybe you could have helped them stick with it and made a real difference in more of their lives. Clearly, your gym doesn't do well by the members who need it the most (the new ones).

    I didn't realize it was my job to make sure that the strangers with resolutions keep with it. I must be wrong in assuming that when I go to the gym I'm just supposed to work out and go home... I guess I'll have to think of a cheerleading routine for next week....

    When I started at the gym, I didn't have babysitter making sure I came. I just motivated myself and wanted to change for the better. I don't expect people at my gym to hold me accountable. That's not what they're there for. Neither am I.
  • MEh, When I work out, I'm in the zone, I have my earbuds with favorite music, I don't go to gym to socialize, I don't give a rats *kitten* if it's full of noobs or oldies or empty, I do my routine and gtfo. I don't have time nor wish to assess other people's fitness level when I got my own to work on.
  • It's gym humor and it's frankly based in economic reality. None of us is responsible for whether someone shows up or not. It's up to them to make the commitment and stick with it.

    Agree ^^^^
    My gym is still packed. Good luck to the ones who are really interested in making the change. See ya to the ones on their way out. Quit crowding the gym talking to all your other pals who aren't there to work out either. And get off my damn Cybex!!! There's only 5 in the whole place and you and your friend want to stand on two of them, cackling like hens and you're done with your work out!!!

    Sorry, flashed to last night for a minute...LOL
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    As a side note - why is it that every time someone mentions newbies there's a crowd of people here who assume we're being judgemental and nasty?. It's just an observation!

    A few weeks ago I posted something similar and got called discouraging, judgmental, the sole reason a few of you decided not to join a gym, a snob, a jerk, a complainer, in a bad mood (need more carbs?!), the reason that people are uncomfortable and fail, hypocritical, non-supportive, degrading to other people, intimidating, and an elitist. And even one of the reasons that humanity is going down the drain. Granted, most people took it in the way it was intended, but it was pretty amazing.

    I have to agree with you here. I find (at 5 am) that there isn't too much change, there have been a couple new people and they are sticking to it. But the reality of it is that people expect quick results (I was guilty of this once) and they give up when they don't see it (guilty, yet again). I have made friends with some of the people in the gym and I find we are encourging each other, but by no means does that mean they are going to keep going. We can be supportive but the final decision is on the individual person to continue.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Why do people cheer about this? The way I see it, if your gym and it's members had been more supportive of the newbies at a time when you all knew they would be challenged, maybe you could have helped them stick with it and made a real difference in more of their lives. Clearly, your gym doesn't do well by the members who need it the most (the new ones).

    It's gym humor and it's frankly based in economic reality. None of us is responsible for whether someone shows up or not. It's up to them to make the commitment and stick with it.

    I beg to differ. It's a sign of a chronic gym problem that no one cares enough to bother fixing. I'm not saying that every noobie would stick with it, but I do think that gyms and their members could do a lot more to help AND still make a profit while doing so.

    For example, last time I joined a gym they gave me a key fob thingy to scan to get past the front desk. Gyms could do so much more with those, like send an email to the member if a week or more has gone by and they haven't come in.

    aka: It's Febuary and you know what that means! It's time to re-affirm those new year resolutions. We've missed you this week(month, etc). Please join us for <insert free or low cost perk> on <date> or stop by the front desk to set up a session with one of our personal trainers. Mention this email to get 10% off your first training session.

    Heck, even just using the fob to "learn" my name would have been nice. aka: I scan the fob, screen tells the front desk who I am (exists) and desk person SHOULD say "HI <name>!" and look at me to acknowledge my existence.

    Or, have a bulletin board for members and newbies seeking "accountability buddies."

    Or have a sign up sheet for members to become newbie mentors/buddies. It could be as simple as promising to call the noobie once a week. For each week/month a mentor's noobie comes in, give the member a % off next year's membership. That way the mentor member gets a perk and the noobie is more likely to renew his/her membership next year AND more likely to recommend the gym to a friend. More members who renew = more money for profit and for improvements to the gym or even opening extra locations.

    I'm glad to hear that some members do try to help out the noobies. That was never my experience when I was at the local gym, but I was "noobie" in early Nov of that year, not January. Maybe no one recognized me as new even though I went at the same time each day. I live in a friendly town, but it seemed like at the gym few people smiled or waved back, even at the front desk or the locker room. Everyone was too busy living in their own world. It made me miss my old campus gym from college. I let my membership to the local gym expire. For the same price as a fancy gym membership for a year, I can buy craig list equipment and just stay home, instead.

    I know that the noobies have their own share of responsibility for whether they go to the gym or not. BUT I firmly believe that gyms and their members could help a lot more of them than they do. That's a sign of a gym that's not properly serving it's members. All the gym cares about is it's pocketbook, rather than it's most valuable asset---the members (new and old).


    These are adults, not children you have to round up after recess. They get reminded about the gym every time the fee's come out every month. No one's bragging, it's just a fact.

    What everyone is missing here is that gyms and health clubs are in business to provide a service or product and turn a profit. If the business is failing to deliver on that service or product, it will fail.

    Have you ever purchased something that sat in your garage and gathered dust? Did you blame the other customers who purchased the same item and use it every day for the fact that you didn't feel supported in your purchase of your new expensive widget?

    Gym members are customers. It is up to the gyms to see to their new and established members, not the customers.