The Handy Mans dead?

sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
So heading to work this morning I hear on the radio that a new poll found that more women preferred a “tech” guy over a “Handy man”. I can kind of understand that, but find it hard to believe. So MFP women? Would you rather have a man that could fix your broke down car, or a guy who could fix your malfunctioning computer or smart phone so you can get back on MFP lol!?


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I would prefer a man that could build me a walk-in closet, or a house.
  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    I can build a closet or fix a pc , but i would rather start a fire and pour some drinks..
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Handy man for sure!
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member

    I have youtube, DIY books, and google search.

    I'm good with computers & pretty decent with tools.

    I don't need no man *snap snap* lol
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I prefer an handy man who knows how to fix everything.
  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member

    I have youtube, DIY books, and google search.

    I'm good with computers & pretty decent with tools.

    I don't need no man *snap snap* lol

    You gotta need help with something! ;)
  • faster_than_flash
    faster_than_flash Posts: 114 Member

    I have youtube, DIY books, and google search.

    I'm good with computers & pretty decent with tools.

    I don't need no man *snap snap* lol

    Haha you and me both are thinking the same thing ;-)

    You gotta need help with something! ;)
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Can't I have both??? *pout*
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i'm a handy man...

    but in a different way.

    --sorry, it was a low-hanging curve.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Also... it made me think of this:

    Fabienne: Whose motorcycle is this?
    Butch: It's a chopper, baby.
    Fabienne: Whose chopper is this?
    Butch: It's Zed's.
    Fabienne: Who's Zed?
    Butch: Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm married to a woodworker who it seems can fix just about anything and I think it's very sexy. When people do those threads asking what you would want to have with you if you were stranded on a deserted island my answer is always "my husband" because he'd build us a house, hunt for food and create some sort of helicopter from coconuts, bananas and palm trees. I swear the man is a combination of MacGyver, The Professor from Gilligan's Island and Mountain Man Jack! Married to a handy man and wouldn't trade a single callous on his hands. :love:
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    I can do neither. But I can make you this while we wait for the plumber and computer nerd


    Although apparently I can't post a picture of it properly. Epic fail.
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    Man hands... mmmmm....
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    Well... then I suppose if I need help... it would be with lifting things...

    so a handy man...

    or a pool boy... so I can be like a creepy 40 year old house wife and sip on Mojitos and watch him work.

    yep... no tech or handy man... a pool boy.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Man hands... mmmmm....

    Funny. I had a girl I dated in high school contact me through FB just recently and we got to talking about what things attracted us to each other back then. The first thing she said was my hand. I was like, WTH? never thought that would be something attractive.

    Even old dogs learn new things I spoze.
  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    Seems like the "Handy man" is still alive and kicking!
  • sgtrowley
    sgtrowley Posts: 246 Member
    Well... then I suppose if I need help... it would be with lifting things...

    so a handy man...

    or a pool boy... so I can be like a creepy 40 year old house wife and sip on Mojitos and watch him work.

    yep... no tech or handy man... a pool boy.

    I can take up being a pool boy part time! lol
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I am more of a Tech guy then a handy man (cuz I hide my handiness -- trauma from childhood LOL), but I have to say women I have know have been more impressed when I can fix an outlet then when I debug a computer. And I am on the speed dial of at 6 of my friend for tech support.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Man hands... mmmmm....

    Funny. I had a girl I dated in high school contact me through FB just recently and we got to talking about what things attracted us to each other back then. The first thing she said was my hand. I was like, WTH? never thought that would be something attractive.

    Even old dogs learn new things I spoze.

    yeah I've heard the same thing a few times. Crazy. Must be all them veins and callouses.
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    Man hands... mmmmm....

    Funny. I had a girl I dated in high school contact me through FB just recently and we got to talking about what things attracted us to each other back then. The first thing she said was my hand. I was like, WTH? never thought that would be something attractive.

    Even old dogs learn new things I spoze.

    yeah I've heard the same thing a few times. Crazy. Must be all them veins and callouses.

    Yes, exactly. Rugged man hands. YES! I also enjoy me some manly forearms.