Guys - need meal ideas for my hubby



  • froggy77064
    froggy77064 Posts: 49 Member
    i eat A LOT of fish(tilapia) and brown rice or i'll make tuna patties and brown rice.these are my main two meals i take to work(nights). i usually prepare my lunches for the week on sunday. each meal is either 2 fillets or 2 patties and a serving of rice. i season the rice and fillets with tony c's cajun seasoning. the fillets cook quick on the stovetop.i use non-stick cooking spray for my oil.takes about 5-8 minutes for them to cook. i store each meal in 1 container. i know theres not a lot of variety in my meals,but they are simple to prepare,reheat, and fairly inexpensive to make. they fill me up pretty well. the fish and rice are 370 cals. the patties and rice are 454 cals.
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks again for all the ideas! He surprised me and checked calorie counts at work on Saturday - they brought in cheese coneys and he was considering eating one - he did not BTW :)

    I actually think I've talked him into logging in here and logging his calories!! Progress!!
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    This is an excellent list Confuzzed, thank you!
    I've got some chinese food recipes in my blog on here. I think you can see it. General Tso (230 calories a serving!) and Orange chicken! and a few I haven't updated yet.. Plus a ton of salad recieps and a killer protein shake that's easy and quick to make.

    Check out

    Make homemade chips (sliced potatoes real thin and bake until crispy) or kale chips (so good!) to help him with the crunch craving

    He can still eat steak (lean steak!) with a large side of veggies ..

    Soda.. hmm.. maybe just dont' buy it? If it's not there he can't have it right? lol idk..

    I dip my own strawberries in Chocolate for a quick sweet snack. Pineapple tastes like candy too. (for that sweet craving)

    Like fried food? Get an oil less fryer and have at them!

    Put squash in spaghetti sauce, to lighten it up and make it healthy.

    use spaghetti squash instead of spaghetti (you almost can't tell the difference) and top it with lots of veggies, some basil and some oil.

    Mix black beans with brownie mix and bake..

    I use avocado instead of mayo.

    Serve salad with every meal. to help fill up

    like ice cream? Do this. nonfat plain greek yogurt, pureed with fresh fruit of choice, schoop choclate whey protein powder (or coco powder I guess, never tried it with that though) and a squeeze of honey. Blend and freeze (I freezze them in an ince cube tray for a quick pick me up) tastes like frozen yogurt and no fat.

    I love dips.. one of my faves is greek yogurt, avacado, salsa, spicy seasoning of choice all mixed together. Great on my homemade chips OR veggies! yum! Or yogurt honey fruit.. good for a sweet dip for fruit.

    Quick snack?? Tortilla, shredded cheese fold in half, pop in microwave, Viola! A quesadilla. can top with salsa and avocado if you want

    Apple chips: slice apple very thin, sprinkle with cinnamon bake (like 45 minutes per side) until crisp. mmmmmmm

    Make homemade strawberry jam.. there are tons of low cal/low fat recipes if you google it. I cut the sugar way down and add lemon to mine.

    Make homemade apple sauce.. cuts the calories way down.. i do mine with a hint of brown sugar and cinnamon.

    Buy smaller lean cuts of meat and pile on the healthy sides.

    And this is weird but it works.. get smaller plates to eat off of.. so they look fuller when you put the food on them..mind over matter

    Don't make seperate meals. Just make everyone eat the same thing. My son eats whatever I do. It's the rule of the house. Eat what is offered or starve. He's only chosen starve twice, then he realized I meant it. LOL
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    I've got some chinese food recipes in my blog on here. I think you can see it. General Tso (230 calories a serving!) and Orange chicken! and a few I haven't updated yet.. Plus a ton of salad recieps and a killer protein shake that's easy and quick to make.

    Check out

    Make homemade chips (sliced potatoes real thin and bake until crispy) or kale chips (so good!) to help him with the crunch craving

    He can still eat steak (lean steak!) with a large side of veggies ..

    Soda.. hmm.. maybe just dont' buy it? If it's not there he can't have it right? lol idk..

    I dip my own strawberries in Chocolate for a quick sweet snack. Pineapple tastes like candy too. (for that sweet craving)

    Like fried food? Get an oil less fryer and have at them!

    Put squash in spaghetti sauce, to lighten it up and make it healthy.

    use spaghetti squash instead of spaghetti (you almost can't tell the difference) and top it with lots of veggies, some basil and some oil.

    Mix black beans with brownie mix and bake..

    I use avocado instead of mayo.

    Serve salad with every meal. to help fill up

    like ice cream? Do this. nonfat plain greek yogurt, pureed with fresh fruit of choice, schoop choclate whey protein powder (or coco powder I guess, never tried it with that though) and a squeeze of honey. Blend and freeze (I freezze them in an ince cube tray for a quick pick me up) tastes like frozen yogurt and no fat.

    I love dips.. one of my faves is greek yogurt, avacado, salsa, spicy seasoning of choice all mixed together. Great on my homemade chips OR veggies! yum! Or yogurt honey fruit.. good for a sweet dip for fruit.

    Quick snack?? Tortilla, shredded cheese fold in half, pop in microwave, Viola! A quesadilla. can top with salsa and avocado if you want

    Apple chips: slice apple very thin, sprinkle with cinnamon bake (like 45 minutes per side) until crisp. mmmmmmm

    Make homemade strawberry jam.. there are tons of low cal/low fat recipes if you google it. I cut the sugar way down and add lemon to mine.

    Make homemade apple sauce.. cuts the calories way down.. i do mine with a hint of brown sugar and cinnamon.

    Buy smaller lean cuts of meat and pile on the healthy sides.

    And this is weird but it works.. get smaller plates to eat off of.. so they look fuller when you put the food on them..mind over matter

    Don't make seperate meals. Just make everyone eat the same thing. My son eats whatever I do. It's the rule of the house. Eat what is offered or starve. He's only chosen starve twice, then he realized I meant it. LOL

    bumping for this.. for ME. lol... He can eat cake.
  • kelcro40
    kelcro40 Posts: 115 Member
    My boyfriend has loved everything I have cooked from this website:

    I second that. I LOVE that site. I have not been disappointed yet and have made at least a dozen of her recipes.
  • MrsDougNOLA
  • UncleRiotous
    I have absolutely loved this book (and the TV series that accompanied it). Everyone that I've spoken to who has tried stuff from it has also loved it. Both the authors are massive motorbike riding foodie guys and were really serious about changing the way they were.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have a healthy cooking facebook page for this very reason. We need to eat healthy but it HAS to taste good too!

    I also suggest a green smoothie, this is how I am getting spinach and kale into my husband with out him complaining that it tastes like greens. I have lots of recipes for them on my page as well.

    Feel free to take a look at what I have going on there.
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    I have a healthy cooking facebook page for this very reason. We need to eat healthy but it HAS to taste good too!

    I also suggest a green smoothie, this is how I am getting spinach and kale into my husband with out him complaining that it tastes like greens. I have lots of recipes for them on my page as well.

    Feel free to take a look at what I have going on there.

    Liked, thank you!!!
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    I have absolutely loved this book (and the TV series that accompanied it). Everyone that I've spoken to who has tried stuff from it has also loved it. Both the authors are massive motorbike riding foodie guys and were really serious about changing the way they were.

    Definitely going to check this out, thanks!