Blender Recipes

foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
Hey all,

I want to buy a blender, but first I want a good list of recipes. I am not down with buying protein powders and stuff, so things that are just made with natural foods aka veggies and fruits and yogurts etc

Thanks for any tips!!


  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    do a search on vitamix recipes....they are ridiculously good.
  • NickiChase
    NickiChase Posts: 44 Member
    I LOVE my BlendTec's the same one they use in Starbucks and JambaJuice. It comes with a recipe book for tons of things you can do with fruits and veggies. I make tons of different veggie purees and put them into EVERYTHING!! I can even make muffins with different veggies, just whirl them first to chop fine, then add the rest of the ingredients and push the batter the time it takes the oven to heat I am ready to go. Then a warm, fresh and healthy muffin and smoothie on the way out the door.

    Check it out at
  • jdramage
    jdramage Posts: 37
    I made this on the weekend with stuff in my fridge. Perfect smoothie!

    I banana
    4 strawberries
    1/8 cup 100% cranberry juice
    1/4 cup plain yogurt

  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    I recently bought a vitamix blender & LOVE IT!!! You can do so much in it. It comes with a recipe book. You can also google search for vitamix recipes. This blender is more expensive, but it has been worth every penny. My only caution is that the smoothies are so good you have to make sure you measure & count everything. I also use Oikos greek yogurt in my smoothies in place of protien powder.

    Good luck!
  • 100x2xLose
    I know this isn't exactly a smoothie type recipe, but I make these brownies in my blender all the time. Nobody can tell that they're made with beans instead of flour!

    1 15oz. can of black beans drained and rinsed
    4 medium eggs
    1 1/4 cup Splenda
    3 1/2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 tsp. baking powder
    2 tbsp. canola oil
    1 tbs real vanilla
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    1/4 cup ricotta cheese
    1/2 cup all natural peanut butter

    Throw it all in the blender, blend till smooth. Pour in a greased pan and bake at 350 for about 30-35 minutes.

    The peanut butter is necessary! Otherwise, the brownies come out really dry. These babies have as much protein as most protein bars, with much less sugar.
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    (1) stay away from splenda and artificial sweeteners, please!! see this link:

    (2) my breakfasy every day is like this... and it holds me...

    frozen (unsweetened, of course) strawberries
    banana or apple
    a chunk or two of FRESH pineapple
    handful of fresh baby spinach... yes, spinach... you can't taste it but it adds so many good nutrients!! and the blueberries make the smoothie purple instead of green!! haha!!
    a bit of cinnamon & a bit of vanilla extract (just cuz i like it!!)
    and ice cold water for the liquid...

    you can use whatever fruit you want... but this is my favorite combination!
  • _Bunnytown
    _Bunnytown Posts: 110 Member
    Pineapple Berry Drink
    Yield 2 servings
    Measure Ingredient
    11/2 cup Pineapple juice
    1/2 cup Frozen raspberries; unsweetened
    1/2 cup Frozen strawberries; unsweetened
    2 teaspoons Nutritional yeast; *
    The recipe actually called for "brewer's yeast", but I far prefer nutritional yeast, and suspect that's what they really meant.
    1. Place all ingredients into a blender and process until smooth.

    Strawberry-Goji Smoothie
    Per serving: 227 Calories; less than one gram Fat (1% calories from fat); 2g Protein; 57g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 6mg Sodium Food Exchanges: 3 1/2 Fruit
    1 1/2 cups plain or vanilla almond milk (I really like almond milk and/or hemp milk in this smoothie, but you can use another non-dairy milk if preferred)
    1/2 cup water (or more non-dairy milk)
    1 1/2 cups frozen sliced banana (fairly ripe/overripe is best)
    1 cup frozen strawberries (or fresh)
    1/4 cup goji berries
    2 tbsp whole flax seed
    1/4 tsp cinnamon (optional)

    Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender and puree for a few minutes to ensure the goji berries and flax seeds are pulverized and well incorporated. Makes 2 medium-large smoothies.