so...about my abs



  • jeanmoreno
    jeanmoreno Posts: 139 Member
    agreed! :-)
    everyone has "abs" but in order for them to show you need to eat clean and lower BF%. Abs are made in the kitchen... apparently.
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    Bump! I love the suggestions. :smile:
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    Sound like you just need to lower overall bf% somewhat.

    No need for direct isolation ab work, that does not give you defined abs, I would suggest eating at 10% below your TDEE and get adequate protein (0.8grams/lb of weight should be a good number to start with), and take part in a heavy lifting strength training routine that centers around compound moves (Bench press, shoulder press, pull-ups, dead lifts, squats, cleans etc.)

    right on
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    I've been losing inches off my mid section with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Well, that plus tracking what I eat.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I guess I should of been more clear, I work out my other muscle groups and do cardio too but I'm struggling with ab exercises. I have no idea how to do free weights or any type of heavy lifting weights. How exactly can I lower my bf%? Eat more protein? I already eat under my calorie limit usually.
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    caloric deficit + time = lower bf%
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    caloric deficit + time = lower bf%

    ^ This, and by getting enough protein a higher % of your loss will come from Fat vs. muscle than if you ate less protein, so at every weight as you lose your BF% would be lower with more protein.
  • Jessiebell527
    Jessiebell527 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 128 and think my abs are coming along quite nicely (see profile picture). What you really need to do to get that flat tummy is lower overall body fat percentage to sub 20%. I have accomplished this through lifting heavy and eating at a very slight deficit with high protein. I recommend the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women" and the corresponding diet and exercise plan.

    I also find a very intense yoga class I take to be better work for my core than any self-led moves I have tried.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I guess I should of been more clear, I work out my other muscle groups and do cardio too but I'm struggling with ab exercises. I have no idea how to do free weights or any type of heavy lifting weights. How exactly can I lower my bf%? Eat more protein? I already eat under my calorie limit usually.

    You don't need to do isolated ab exercises...they really, truly, honestly...and I can't emphasize this enough...they truly do very little and are pretty much a waste of time. Doing body core exercises like planks, mountain climbers, etc do not isolate the abs (remember, you don't need to) but they work the holy hell out of your core (which gives you good strong abs). Believe me, you will feel it. I know you don't have access, but if you ever come around to it, compound lifts (squats, overhead press, deadlifts, bench press, power cleans, etc)...again, they don't isolate the abs but I guarantee you will feel them burning like holy hell on fire. Sprinting is also an outstanding workout for the abdominal region as well as just about every other muscle in your body.

    Now, for those abs to show you have to lower your do this by eating at a caloric deficit. You can also eat at maintenance and you will slowly build muscle and slowly shed the fat if you're lifting.
  • drift
    drift Posts: 143 Member
    Pilates, a good class will work your core and introduce you to a range of exercises you can work through yourself, safely