Planet Fitness

Anyone belong to Planet Fitness? I always see commecials and stuff but they just opened one down the street from me. I know the gym has to be close if there is any shot in me going regularly. Now just trying to get some thoughts on this gym. I like the price. Seems like they have a lot of the equipment I would want to use.
It also looks like they do a lot of circuit type workouts - but most are during the day while I'm at work. I think I would like to do something like that regularly as opposed to working out by myself when I go.
I also noticed it says unlimited personal training - is this someone working you out whenever you want - or more mentoring from time to time. I had a personal trainer a few years ago but it definately was not included in a $19/month (or $10 if I decide I don't need or want some of the extras) membership.

Thanks for any feedback.
Probably going to go check it out in person this weekend.


  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    There are about as many opinions on PF as there are members of MFP. If you think it is going to work for you then give it a shot, they are cheap enough. If you realize there's something you don't like about it then at least then you'll know and you can go find a gym that fits your needs.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    They are franchises so each one is different but i love mine, its clean, cheap and has "normal people" equipment. I don't do heavy lifting or things like that so I'm comfortable at a gym that doesn't offer that. I'm also a poor college kid so I love the price.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I used to a couple of years ago when I made a half hearted effort to get back into the fitness groove. The price was definitely right, I just wasn't consistent about going. It really depends on what you want to do/accomplish. I'm back into the gym thing now, but I don't go to PF anymore because the PF's around me don't have free weights and I love lifting free weights.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I joined my new Planet Fitness a couple weeks ago and love it. The circuit training is in a seperate area and can be done at any time. The Trainer has different times of the day they will go over stuff with you as a group or as individual appt. and it is free. I met with the trainer at my gym the Monday after I joined and whenever I am there and he is there he always stops to ask me how I am doing. There is usually a sign up sheet at their main desk for the trainer classes but the classes are more about how to use the equipment. They are open 24/7 and staffed 24/7. My gym just opened so it is still clean and neat and I have no complaints. I only pay $10 a month and I am not locked into a contract. For now it works for me for cardio and strength training.
    Good luck!
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    The personal trainer at my PF is simply someone who takes you around (usually in a group of up to 5) to show you how to use the equipment and then plans a workout routine for you. They then update for you as you complete your goals. Considering it is included in the $10/month I pay, it is well worth it although it is not really much (if any) one-on-one time. Understandably so.

    For me, the advantages to PF are:
    (1) the price,
    (2) the newness of the one I go to,
    (3) the right mix of equipment,
    (4) low-intimidation environment,
    (5) No contract.

    The disadvantages are:
    (1) No day-care for kids (which means my wife and I can never workout together),
    (2) No classes,
    (3) No pool.

    Like all things, you just have to decide if the pros outweigh the cons which they do for me (so far.)
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I like mine and I love the price. The circuit training area is nice, they have tons of cardio equipment, they have some free weights, quite a few cable machines and lots of other weight machines. The trainer at ours has a sign up sheet so you could be in a group of up to 5 people or you could be alone with the trainer. I did the "show you around, help you develop your goals and a workout plan" and was with my good friend who signed up with me and 2 other people. The next day we took the "abs" class and it was just my friend and I with the trainer. Probably depends on what time of day you go and what you sign up for.

    Some people scoff at PF, but really, a treadmill is a treadmill and a bike is a bike, right? I want someplace to go where I can work out in the winter and bad weather. My goal is to build strength, too, so one day I may surpass what PF has to offer in their free weights area, but until then, I'm only paying $10 a month for a gym that's very conveniently located for me, so I can put that savings towards free weights at home if the need arises.
  • tornadoladi
    tornadoladi Posts: 7 Member
    I have been going to Planet Fitness now or a month and i love it. I agree with someone else the trainer takes up to 5 people at a time and works with training people but i have been fortunate enough that he knows i haven't been in a gym for many many years so always works with me last so he can spend more time with me showing me the equipment etc.

    I would have never said that i would become a gymaholic but its better than some other things that i could transfer my addiction too.

    I go almost every day and i am up to 1 1/2 hours a day. However i injured my knee yesterday (NOT AT THE GYM) so won't be going for a week.

    I have the bigger plan and i got it for the purpose of the hydromassage beds which i understand they don't all have and the Beauty angel which is the ultra red room which helps with cellulite.

    The gym is a little over a mile from our house and its perfect! Once i get there i am thrilled, i don't have that fear of going in, enjoy myself while there and always get a hello and have a great day! The other thing i like is if you find a tv that has a show you like you can't hear it unless your machine is moving so motivation.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I go there. I was going to one before but it got turned into another gym and they let paid trainers move in so you would be working out and trainers would come harass you to try and get clients which did cost money, like 150 a week.

    So when we got a new planet fitness in town I moved over there. I like it, it's a relaxed atmosphere and they have circuit equipment.