Ready to chuck the scale

I joined my fitness pal about a month ago in order to stay motivated and accountable after a holiday season of overindulgence.I had pretty much met my weight loss goal but would be happy with another 5-10 pounds.I'm on day 10 of 30 day shred and do about 40 minutes of cardio a day using a few different dvd's plus additional weights and ab work. I lost most of my weight,45 pounds,prior to joining via diet and walking/running intervals about an hour six days a week but have had to move my workout indoors until the weather is warmer for medical reasons.I've lost four pounds so far.Even though my fitness goals have changed,I'm want to be more focused on toning and building muscle,I'm discouraged by the number on the scale.This is despite the fact I feel smaller and people are asking me if I'm losing weight.I don't want the scale to control me but I can't stay off of it! I also feel reading the stories of others around my height and age,that my goal isn't low enough.I was feeling really good about myself up until about two weeks ago! Chuck the scale? Give up the site?


  • HallerFitness
    You should check out some of the threads on here about the people who transitioned from an all or mostly cardio plan to an all or mostly heavy weights lifting routine. Trouble is when people lose weight, it can be muscle weight and they are still flabby. When you increase muscle, you burn more calories just resting and your body can be firm at the same weight.

    check this out

    So, who cares about the scale? IT shouldn't be about a number so much as about health and feeling good about yourself.