I thought at first weight just came off

Ok, so I'm not expecting anything huge to happen at first of course, and I haven't been doing this but maybe 3 weeks (too soon to be worrying I know) but, I used to never workout.... at all, also I ate however much I wanted, now I've been eating way less going by my calories set on here and working out every day, yet I've only lost like 2 pounds, I haven't done my measurements yet, I'm going to do that tonight but any advice on why I haven't lost more, my starting weight was around 181 and now I'm at around 178 and I'm 5'2" how much weight did you lose at first, I just kind of expected more to come off at first than this or does more weight loss occur later, or am I right on track??? Any help, ideas, or encouraging words please??


  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    I haven't lost a substancial amount of weight, BUT it took me about a month to see 3lbs come off. I did my measurements and had def lost inches, more than 3!
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    If you never used to workout, these new workouts may be shock to your body - which means water weight. I glanced through your diary and saw high sodium levels too, which could also contribute to extra water retention. Keep on keeping on, changes WILL come.
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    I'm not a professional, so please just bear with me...It is pretty early to be too worried, but I would like to challenge you to eat a little "cleaner". I peeked at your diary and you're eating Little Ceasers, Burger King, Boxed mashed potatoes...all processed foods, full of sodium, and all sorts of additives. I would encourage you to eat more fresh foods, veggies, fruits, lean meats.

    Your calories are down because you're eating less, but the calories you're getting aren't necessarily nourishing your body. If your lifestyle makes it difficult to cook and eat at home, then plan ahead and bring foods along.

    Good for you for working out regularly! IF you continue working out and begin to eat HEALTHIER (not just less), I would guess that you'll start seeing results!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    If you are following the MFP calorie guides and getting in some exercise, then there are possibilities.

    Your portions/measuring are wrong or you are sick.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    2lbs in 3 weeks is pretty friggin' good, but go by your body fat % instead of your weight. Get some calipers and measure the same spot every day, or get a body fat % scale. I've even found that at some grocery stores they have the blood pressure cuff machine that can also now weigh you and determine your body fat percentage and print it out for you!
  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    You may be eating less calories but you are still eating a lot of processed foods which, in my experience, do not help weight loss - someone also noticed your sodium levels are high, this is also due to the processed foods.
    You should try eating and cooking a lot more natural foods like cuts of meat, fish, eggs with lots of vegetables with some yoghurt and fruit. Don't be afraid of eating food fats found in olive oil, real butter, fish and nuts - they will really help you to feel fuller when combined with good protein.
    It seems on here that some people can get by just eating their daily calorie allowance of rubbish food, however, I know that I can't - for me it's as much about what I eat as it is about how much.
    Keep up your good work though and don't feel discouraged, every day matters and each pound counts!!

    - just saw that tiffanyheth wrote an almost identical response!!
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I've had a look at your journal, too - as a vegetarian, I may be prejudiced, but where's your fruit & veg? Those will really add bulk to make you feel full with next to no calories, especially vegetables. I've been obsessed with stir-fry veg lately - great for when it's too cold to want salad, I can eat the whole family-sized pack for under 100 calories, including soy sauce...
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    Have to agree with everyone else, a little peak at your diary and yes most-ish (and i say that because you went over your calories a lot) days you've stuck with your calories come under a lot, but seriously you're eating so much crap, burger king, 6inch subs twice in one day, instant mashed potatoes, all this stuff that is filled with additives and SODIUM, it's worrying honestly how far over your sodium intake you've been going day to day, that's just asking for health problems like hypertension etc, you can't just stick to calories alone, it seems like your mindset is "as long as I don't go over my calories I'm all good" which is not the case at all with weight loss, MFP tracks a bunch of other stuff for a reason, my advice take it or leave it, eat less crap, stock up on healthier foods, and you'll actually be able to eat more, I noticed as well that you're having a few high cal meals everyday, which I'm guessing can't be too satisfying (I know that your diet would leave me hungry most of the day) I'd also suggest you start tracking your sat fats because you will be surprised at how far over you are with that. Good luck to you either way :drinker: