A little sad ...

So, today, when I finished up at the gym, I noticed that the gym was holding a little wellness fair. They offered cholesterol checks, blood pressure checks, and body fat and BMI testing. They tested your body fat percentage by using one of those Tania machines that's supposed to fairly accurately read your body fat.

Now, I recommitted myself to my WLJ in January and gave myself very realistic expectations for what I wanted to achieve for the month (and I'd make new goals each month). So, I'm thrilled that I've lost five pounds this month (which puts me into the very top of my healthy weight range), I've lost inches, I'm eating much healthier and I'm lifting and doing some cardio. And I feel so much fitter. But, reading that my body fat percentage was 27.7 was still a bit sad for me. The lowest I ever remember it being was 24% in college. Even though I'm being very realistic about how and when I want to achieve my goals, I still feel like I'm at the starting line.

Anyway, thanks for listening!


  • Honestly don't let that number get you down. Use it to empower yourself further! You can achieve your goals just gotta keep working at it everyday. Hope you feel better! add me as a friend if you need more support sometimes we could all use a lil encouragement.:smile:
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Thanks! It was just a little overwhelming to see how much work I still had to do when I was feeling so good!
    TIDDYBEAR Posts: 63 Member
    I don't have much faith in the BMI. They take absolutely NO consideration of your bone structure. If you weigh 150lbs and have a large frame you would THINK your BMI would be less than someone that weighs 150lbs and has a small frame. They don't CARE about that! So, I personally pay no attention to it. Pound and inches is all I care about!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I have a body fat scale. If I stand on it dry I get one reading and if I shower and stand on it again I get a lower reading, probably because while damp I conduct the current better. :) If you're going the right direction don't let that number get you down. You're on your way!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I'm definitely not giving up! It's just a bit of a reality slap!