Exercising WITH a spouse?

So my fiance has been so unmotivated. We both have a pretty big number to lose to be healthy. He's been pretty resistant, but he's been eating only what I fix and etc. Well, now that he has seen a 15 lb loss, he's starting to become more excited and motivated. He wants to do Insanity but feels he needs to work up to it. So he's like "What can I do without going to the gym to work up to it?" So I showed him what I do, which is 30 Day Shred. I told him I know it's probably a joke for him compared to what he use to do when he WAS fit, but it will help him get in better shape to where he can be more serious. So now he wants to do Shred WITH me. AHHHHHHH!!!! I don't like being watched, no matter what I do. Even if it is just looking over my shoulder while I'm browsing the web, playing a game, reading a book. I tend to get freaked out when ppl are watching me. And this is why I do my workouts after he leaves for work. Now he wants to do an intense (at least for ME at my current fitness level) workout. With me. While I am also doing it, and he can see me LOL.

Anyone else that is like that? I feel like it's in the best interest of both of us for me to just get over it. If this is what it takes to get him to become more healthy, then I need to figure out how to JUST DO IT lol. I'm not so much worried about his size or weight, it's more that I'm worried about his health. Heart disease runs in his family, etc and I want him to be with us for a very long time!!!!!!


  • aandasmommy
    aandasmommy Posts: 33 Member
    once you get over the fear of him seeing you, it can be really fun to workout with your spouse! Now mine is my biggest motivator at the gym! My personal cheerleader! lol
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    My wife and I lift together every time we hit the gym. We do well at kicking eat other in the *kitten*.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I love working out with my wife.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I have been bugging my DF to hit the gym with me for months! He's just NOW starting to consider it! LOL

    He obviously loves you, since he married you (or so I'd assume! haha)....so there shouldn't be a need to be self conscious around him.
    If anything, I think you guys could motivate each other!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    My wife & I work out at the same time, but do not workout as "buddies" because we are on a different workout regimen.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    If you are not comfortable, why do it? His exercising is going to be up to him. It is going to be something that he wants to do for himself, something he enjoys doing for himself. Let him do the tape alone, for himself, for a while. You are not responsible for his exercising, and you will not be able to keep him doing it if he loses interest.
    Just tell him: I want you to exercise. I don't want you to exercise with me -- at least, not now.
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    I love working out with my husband. We push each other to work harder, and time flies so much faster! I say give it a shot, and if it's too weird, you can do it separately. Worth a try :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I feel the same way about home workouts, but oddly enough don't feel that way at the gym. Why exactly can't you guys can't go to the gym?
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    I was the same way when I first started out working out with my fiance. I felt so awkward!! But now I absolutely love it!

    First off, you have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about him seeing you workout! He loves you and obviously wants to spend whatever time he can with you. That's so endearing and very cool! Not all couples can say they have something like that. Secondly, the fact of the matter is, when you're doing a tough workout, it's hard to watch the other person anyway because you're so focused on what you're trying to do, haha.

    Why don't you give it a shot? The more you do it together, the more used to it and comfortable you'll become doing it together. It can only bring you two closer, right?

    Besides, it's always great to have a motivator. On days where I get lazy and unmotivated, he's the one who pulls me off the couch and I do the same for him on days where he's lazy. His motivation is honestly half the reason my results have been as great as they are!
  • ton40orbust
    I wont workout with my S.O. When I go to the gym I start by walking for 30 minutes, then stretch, go on either an eliptical or arc trainer for 15-30 minutes and then lift weights for 40-60 minutes and stretch again. His idea of going to the gym is biking for 15 minutes, and then wandering around doing nothing and asking how much longer till we can go. If he actually wanted to go and work out I wouldnt have a problem. If you're not comfortable I would tell him that you want to work out seperately for right now.
  • Alamo0809
    Alamo0809 Posts: 95 Member
    I am really anti social at the gum and it is almost like a meditation time for me... totally focused on the workout. So... it is hard for me to imagine working out seriously with my mate. Everyone is different, though. I know ... now that John has joined the gym we will have some days that we will workout together but I know I will strive for my work outs alone.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    My boyfriend and I work out a lot together. I initiated it, but he saw what it was doing for me and has started joining me. He's running his first half marathon at the same race I'm running my second. He like running together, and we go to the gym together a lot (though he usually goes and does cardio and I go lift). He is planning on starting to lift soon though, so we might get to do that together again.

    I guess I never saw a reason not to? I mean, I don't really care how I look and I'm not trying to impress him or anything. We both go into the workout together, but we take things at our own pace.
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    I was terrified when we started working out together. We started Insanity a year ago and I totally half-assed the workout at first because I felt self-conscious. I hate looking stupid in front of other people. But once I realized that he was really giving it his all and he looked uncomfortable and sweaty and awkward because he was just as out of shape as I was, it really hit me that this guy is not here to judge me.

    Really though, this guy has seen me in some extremely compromising positions (both sexually and emotionally) so why should this be awkward?
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I drug my hubby to my first Body Pump class today. He actually liked it. I can't run with my hubby because he messes up my pace and I go even slower than normal if he is there. We started losing off/on again 3 years ago and he is down 95lbs. I'm down 32 lbs. WTH is up with that? I work harder than he does!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I get like that sometimes. More because my husband makes comments on how I can do better or im doing a move wrong....and i wanna yell hey buddy come try this out and I bet you cant do it! He only runs with me so when I do my jillian videos (body revolution..its amazing i recommend it to everyone!) he thinks it looks easy! Its not and he wont try it lol.
  • phyllistheresa
    phyllistheresa Posts: 83 Member
    Tried jogging with my husband once, he thought it was a race...he won. Tried to explain everything was not a competition...he didn't agree.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    My girlfriend and I joined a gym together and try to take classes together as much as possible. It helps motivate us more than doing it alone, and has made us feel like getting in shape together is a partnership.

    If you can get over the issues with being watched, I think it would be good for both of you.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Love working out with mine! We've done Insanity and P90X together. We run together, not at the same pace, but we're out there together pushing each other along. When we use to go to the gym together, we did not do the same regimen and we still enjoyed it. I was self conscious at first but not so much anymore. The man has seen me naked so he should be okay with all my jiggle while I'm working out.lol.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    It is very distracting when we workout together. We end up ogling and flirting and cutting the workout short to go home and workout.
  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    Maybe if you don't feel comfortable doing something like 30 day shred with him..do other things like bike riding or walking together. When I was with my ex..I loved biking with him...but when it came to other ways of working out (jogging, weight lifting, p90x etc.) I couldn't do it. Just a personal thing I guess. Still motivate him though!