A month down and needing friends for motivation!!!

Hello everyone!

I'm definitely not new to the dieting world, as I have tried many times without long-term success, but I am new to the dieting community. I started my diet on January 1st this year (I know...typical). I have been at it so hard this time. I have changed the whole way I diet. In the past I have always been stuck on frozen diet meals. Although they have always been a great success in the actual WEIGHT LOSS and I have lost a great deal of weight using them in the past, you can't make these meals a LIFESTYLE. I always wind up gaining all the weight back...plus some! In my previous profession, I used to be a chef (which probably helped contribute to my weight), but I came to the realization that I need to prepare my own food. Not only find recipes for myself to help me with my new diet and lifestyle, but to create recipes myself as well. WOW...why didn't i do this a long time ago? My diet is going amazing and I am coming up with some really DELICIOUS and HEALTHY recipes. I know it's a big number and will really start to dwindle down with time, but this first month I have lost 40 POUNDS!!!

Something that I am lacking though is motivation. I have no one to diet with. I am married, but my wife is like the size of a twig (no offense to her...she's the most beautiful woman in the world, but she won't ever know what it'll be like to be 300+ pounds). I just need to be around people who know what I'm going through everyday and have a fair amount of weight to lose to reach their goal but are fighting for it everyday to make it a success.

As I told you I'm new to the online community, but I have created a blog to share the recipes I'm creating once a week. I only have a couple so far, but at least once a week there will be a new recipe for every. There you can also see my complete dieting story in the INTRODUCTION section as well as updates from my daily dieting adventures when I have the time to post in between my hectic work schedule.

I hope to hear from some of you and hope to make some new friends along this journey of mine. Thank you all for taking the time to get to know a little big about me and hope to hear from some of you soon. Also, check out my blog if you get the chance. Feel free to leave a comment and/or follow my blog. It would be greatly appreciated! Just copy and paste the link below my name!

Have a wonderful and safe day!

- Brandon Johnston



  • Sabby888
    Sabby888 Posts: 30 Member
    First off, that 's amazing progress!! 40 lbs in a month is phenomenal.
    I'm fairly new here too.. Started a few weeks ago, and doing great so far. If you want to add me feel free to. I think your recipes will really help me... I keep eating the same old things and it gets boring! I'll also check your blog out.
    Stay motivated!
  • Maybe post in the intro forum - might get more response there. Welcome. :D

    And whoa, 40 lbs in a month? Uhm....are you sure? That doesn't sound healthy at all.
  • rawclam
    rawclam Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Brandon! First I have to agree with the_dizzle 40 pounds is a huge amount, but then again I dont know you or how you have been hitting the fitness trail. Motivation? As a 54 year old guy that started the journey at 5'8" 360 morbidly obese (I hate that term) pounds, and hearing from my Dr. the "D" word (diabetes) my wife and I started MFP almost a year ago. My motivation (I'm gonna give guy terms here, and cut through the BS) was just this...I WANT TO LIVE! Not only do I want to live but I want to savor every ounce of goodness in every day. 11 months ago I heard the D word, and it was directed at my wife, 11 months ago we stopped in our tracks and made a change. For me the change so far is 137 pounds, for her 87. We feel AWESOME, hike trails and mountain bike the pacific northwest. We have a fist bumping yell when we achieve a little victory ( a new hard trail a 5k run etc.) it is "DON'T STOP! WON'T STOP!
    For you Brandon I think your motivation is there with you, all around you. Take a look at the things you love in your life, Wife, kids? home...you know what I mean. These things can and should be your motivation, because what you love in your life would be lost without you in it. Motivation? next time you go to a grocery store (or anywhere there is something of measurable weight) lift 40 pounds and walk around with it for a bit, perspective is what I call this...Keep doing what you are doing if it is working for you, make sure you can maintain when you are done. And one last thing, know that there are people out here that do know what its like and respect you for doing something about it, Good Job Man!
    Cheers! Ric, West Coast of Wa.
  • MrsNolf
    MrsNolf Posts: 38 Member
    Good for you! I'm no chef but I really love to cook and have discovered that preparing my own food is absolutely the best way to eat well. I hate eating the same old thing all the time so I'm really looking forward to checking out your recipes =) Good luck and keep doing what you're doing =)
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Hi Brandon. First off, you have done so well and can continue to do so. You have come to a great place to motivate and support you.

    I agree with RawClam, look around you, your motivation is really right in front of you. That being said, I do understand that we have ups and downs in this journey to a better us and the downs can sometimes haunt us. So when you are having a bad day and think you just cant go on, come online here and see what everyone is doing. Cheer on your friends as they cheer you on. Ask questions, changes things up so you dont get bored etc.

    You can do this. You are worth the effort