Wedding Dress before and after 40lb loss (pics)



  • KAJ1963
    KAJ1963 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for your story & pics! It got my attention because you are the same height & and final goal as myself. I could never picture how I might look down that much and was it really attainable - but you've put it into reality for me! (Only you are much younger :( but still it gives me hope that this is possible. Thanks & keep up the good work. I only hope I can have your determination!
  • samkelly89
    samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
    WOW, I am overwhelmed by all the comments! Thank you everyone =) Also, I am very excited to renew our vows maybe in a few years in a brand new dress! I still love my wedding dress but it is fun to see the difference now.
  • wow awesome ! beautiful before and after pics. very inspiring for sure, thank u and stay the journey always ! :>)
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    Wow you looked gorgeous in your wedding dress, I can't believe how much it is hanging off you now!

    thanks for the inspiration & posting this, it's helped me.

    I'm having a hard day today & this really has helped to get me back on track & focussed.
  • lpekny
    lpekny Posts: 63 Member
    You look fantastic!! great job!!
  • samkelly89
    samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
    Good job!!! Your arms look great! :smile:

    Thank You! I owe those to Jillian Michaels lol I have never had definition in my arms before. Now I feel strong and I can see my arms have really taken shape.I think it helps with the loose skin too.
  • You are such an inspiration!!! thank you, you've changed my life-i needed this lil push!!!:D
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    Amazing!!! Can you tell us more about your journey with your weight loss? You look fantastic!

    Thank You! Yes, I can.. I have been overweight my entire life and never had any confidence to do anything about it. I never had a boyfriend in highschool or did sports or wore shorts. I wanted to do all the simple things that I felt every normal girl should be able to do. In college I started to try to lose weight. I had some success(10lbs maybe) and started to run a little (1 mile here and there) but it wasn't until I got marriend and had my daughter that I became serious about losing weight. After I gave birth I weighed in at a depressing 220lb! I knew I needed to change. I dropped the first 35lbs with basically just breastfeeding and cutting portions. Then about 6 months ago I got serious about working out. I started running alot (I'm now training for a marathon) and I started doing a lot of Jillian Michaels workouts (I've never had so much definition in my life!!). With that and counting calories through mfp, I have lost about 40 more pounds.

    I owe most of my success to my mfp support group and seeing the ppl I know lose weight before me. Seeing some of my friends be able to lose weight made me realize, "Hey, I could do that too!" and now with the running I just keep telling myself that I CAN do this! I started at 3 miles for long runs and now I am up to 10 miles. I am so excited for all the things my body is able to do now and I have come so far from the chubby, insecure, sad high school girl that I used to be.

    Thank you so much for sharing!!! I am so proud of you! It is funny when I feel proud of someone who I don't know personally or had no part in their success, but I guess because this is such a personal thing to so many of us, and it takes a lot of work and dedication, and for that, I am proud of you for succeeding at finding your healthy and happy place!! You were beautiful before, and you are beautiful, healthy and fit now!! You go girl! So, so soooo inspirational! :)
  • So I saw some posts of women in their wedding dresses before and after losing some weight. This inspired me to try on my wedding dress! I have been married for a little over 2 years and in that time I have had a baby, and lost about 80lbs. At the time of my wedding I was 185 and I am currently around 145.

    Here is me in my dress at my wedding. I was bubbling over the top and I remember having a hard time breathing in it!


    And here are a couple of me tonight at my current weight in the same dress:



    Sorry this is my first time posting pics so I'm not sure if it'll turn out!

    Anyway, My stats are:

    Height: 5'4''
    HW: 220(postpartum)
    CW: 145
    GW: 135 ( my goals are more fitness orientated than weight though)

    hmmmm yes I think that is all! Feel free to ask me anything!

    awesome! Very motivating- thanks :)
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    You look beautiful in both pictures.

    Thank you for sharing your story. Very inspiring!
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    Wow! Great job!
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    You look great in both pictures! But Awesome job on the weight loss!

    I actually bought my wedding dress in 2010 before starting my weight loss on MFP, when I weighed 170. By the time it was time for the "fitting" in March 2011, I was about 145, and it looked pretty close to your pictures, it didn't even stay up!!...I had to have it taken in twice before the wedding!!! It was exciting, but I had kind of wished I hadn't bought it BEFORE my weight loss!!

    Now I'm down to 136 and I've kind of been wanting to drag out my old High School Prom dress, just to see if I could fit in it again! :)
  • samkelly89
    samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
    You look great in both pictures! But Awesome job on the weight loss!

    I actually bought my wedding dress in 2010 before starting my weight loss on MFP, when I weighed 170. By the time it was time for the "fitting" in March 2011, I was about 145, and it looked pretty close to your pictures, it didn't even stay up!!...I had to have it taken in twice before the wedding!!! It was exciting, but I had kind of wished I hadn't bought it BEFORE my weight loss!!

    Now I'm down to 136 and I've kind of been wanting to drag out my old High School Prom dress, just to see if I could fit in it again! :)

    That is so great to hear your success! Congrats =) Also, I think you should def. drag out that old dress and try it on! I bet it would even be too big =)
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