6ft and over what is your goal weight



  • rhodesbr
    I am 6'1"...started at 262...down to 241...goal of 220. I don't ever remember being 220...I think I came out of the womb at 225. (sorry mom)
  • MetSox129
    MetSox129 Posts: 69 Member
    i'm 6'2, currently at 215-218 (stuck here for months). Did a BF% reader at the gym and it said i was around 16.5%, but i think i'm closer to 18-20%. I am looking to cut down to 185, then do a slow/clean bulk up to 200, then a slow cut down to 193 and maintain 193-195 around 11%
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Same height I want to be 260lb or (closer to 265lb depending on my leg muscles)
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    6'4 and 230ish right now at approx 27%BF
    Ultimately I'd like to get to the 200ish with a much lower BF%
  • goldenboy2532
    6'5" here and currently at 260. Ideally, I would like to get down to 225 which is how much I weighed when I met my wife. Just started working out and counting calories so I am not sure how realistic that is for me. I need to make some lifestyle changes first and foremost.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I'm 6'1 and weigh 188 today. According to a Bod Pod I had done last friday, I am 12.0% body fat. My goal is 10% and I don't really want to get any more muscular, just working on proportioning a little.
  • Northgardener
    Northgardener Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 6' and 168, working to get back to 160, my High School graduation weight, when I was very fit (and weight until I reached my mid thirties)
  • borom44
    borom44 Posts: 24 Member

    6'2 44yrs

    Currently residing at 255 from 267, 2 years ago went from 276 to 201, exercise was running and weight training with the odd cycle thrown in for good measure. I was told to stop running about a year a go and well used this as an excuse to give in hence current weight.

    Don’t think I would like to get as low again I looked ill, but WW said I needed to get to 182 (Youth spent playing rugby (Prop & 2nd row) and a fair amount of weight training meant body shape not overly suited to this sort of low weight) would happily like to get to 215 but this would be my lower limit.

    Currently training for a coast t coast cycle ride in July – gives something to aim for and keeps me focused
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    6'2 - currently 249. Original goal was 220 but thinking it should be around 200 now.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I'm 6'1. Started last Feb at 280ish. My goal was to get down to 225, which I did by August. Slacked off some, got back up to 238. Back on the wagon, currently 228, my new goal is 200lbs. I haven't seen that since my 20's. I just turned 50.