Forgive me for sounding stupid, but



  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    If you are hitting a wall with weightloss then shake things up never go below 1200 cals.

    Try eating different foods or smaller portions more often - Shake up your exercise, your body gets used to one kind of exercise, so try somthing different.

    Good luck with losing that last bit of weight.
    Feel free to add me
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    fruits and veggies and great, but the right kinds. I have never done WW, but I know a lot of people who have. I think it has drawbacks. It basically gives you "free" foods. Well a lot of those free foods are loaded with carbs, which turn to sugar, which turn to fat. Balance those carbs. Make sure the fruits and veggies you are eating are low GI and eat a recommended serving. Eat at least 1200 calories a day. Whenever I stall on 1200 I find bumping up to 1400 will get the scale moving again. I am also currently carb cycling which is really working well. A few days of low carbs followed by a few days of higher carbs. You will find what works for you.
  • sugarfree123
    sugarfree123 Posts: 82 Member
    As the others said, don't starve yourself. It took me over a year to lose my "last 10 lbs" You have to exercise, cardio and weight lifting are required. If you don't exercise, you will discover that you are skinny fat. = skinny but flabby. Being fit and muscular will always look better than being skinny. Don't pay much attention to the scale. I saw a HOT looking young lady that was 5ft 9 inches and weighted 190 lbs. She was not a body builder, she was just fit. The guys were drooling!
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    From your pic, it looks as if you are at a good goal for you. You really should not shoot for the gaunt look. Do you really want your boobs to disappear? Just keep eating healthy. If there is a particular area of your body that needs work, try spot exercises, like for the thighs or upper arms. Then look for muscle definition, not size or total body weight.
    Probably if you have been exercising too, you have exchanged fat for muscle, so you look better.
    Give it a rest. You look great. Pat yourself on the back and celebrate.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Hi.I just started on MFP last week,and i've lost 3lb,so it does work!
    I always eat under the calorie allowance,and i think many more do the same,but if you excercise regulary(as i'm trying to do more now),you can eat more,as it gives you more calories to "eat into".
    You sound about the same as me.I'm 5ft 2,and weigh 140lb now after losing the 3 last week.Hope you like it here.I love it,and will send you a friend request now.

    You are doing it wrong then. MFP gives you a calorie is a is something to be achieved, not undershot. Netting below that number will cause you all kinds of problems in the long run, the least of which will be metabolic stall and a plateau. For most, 1,200 calories is below should really net to your BMR, but certainly do not net under 1,200 calories. Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the rate at which your body burns calories just making your organs function and keeping you breathing when you're in a coma. If you're not in a coma you should be eating more than your BMR.

    You will lose quickly the way you are going, but not safe and not healthy will lose more lean body mass and like I said, you will plateau out in pretty short order.
  • devrinator
    devrinator Posts: 79 Member
    I know that generally, 1200 calories is a low goal, but at 5', might that actually be realistic? Most calculators say I need to eat around 1500 to 1600 to maintain 135 lbs at 5'4, but that's for my age (I'm nowhere near there yet). If she is eating 1200 calories, then she should have a 400 calorie deficit per day, provided she is somewhat active. So, at 1200 calories a day, she's losing less than a pound a week (which should be good), but with body weight fluctuations and all, it may appear she's not losing much at all.
  • melcookson
    melcookson Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks guys, you've all been so helpful.
    Like I said, I need to do some research into MFP.
    I'm going to hold my hands up now and tell you all that I don't do any exercise, it scares the hell out of me, so aside from my job, which I'm on my feet a fair bit for, I'm rather inactive. Exercise gives me nightmares, I don't mind admitting it, I've tried all sorts in the past but, Eurgh! In England our weather isn't particularly great for outdoors exercise, but I definitely will try and walk a lot more. Gyms are so expensive here so wanted to avoid that if possible.
    Thankyou all for being so informative and supportive, my husband and I are actually visiting the States on holiday in the Summer and CAN'T WAIT!!! Xxx