I have broke my diet.. I am so discouraged.



  • whytewytch
    No, you didn't break your diet.

    You know why? This shouldn't be a diet. It should be your life. granted, you need to learn self control, but just get back up and keep on going. Quitting isn't an option.

    Tomorrow is a new day, and you can still make good choices today!

    Diet? What diet? Exactly as this poster says. I refuse to use the word diet, which instantly has me craving a gallon of Haagen Daas with fudge. Nope, no diet. Just choices to eat different foods than I used to and to keep track of them. For me, it's a life choice. I eat better (mostly, but I'm not perfect--who is?), I exercise more. You've made quite an accomplishment doing the 12 miles in 12 days. So you had ONE high-calorie day. Big whoop. Move on, get back on track. Next time the cravings start, give in to them--just don't go wild.

    Went out with my son yesterday to Tijuana Flats (did you know that ONE of those cookie dough flautas is 720 calories? O_O I found out a bit too late...). I gained back a pound. ONE pound. No big. Am I still down by over 14 pounds from my start? Yup! So, I go on with my life. There is no need to punish yourself, just get back on track. Are you getting your 13th mile in 13 days today?

    And as the_dizzle says, you will actually increase your weight loss by having high calorie days once in a while. Look it up--I did. If you constantly have low calorie days, your metabolism will re-set itself to that calorie goal, making it harder to lose weight without "starving" yourself, at which point, your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto fat like a miser holds pennies. Keep to your calorie goal for the next few days, do your walking, and you watch--it'll show in a positive way on the scale. Do not throw out the baby with the bath water, please!

    Oh, and look at all the "ONEs" in my post. Remember the song? "ONE is the loneliest number"? You used to eat like that every day, probably without exercising--am I right? Now you ate ONE day and you exercised. You'll be fine. Honest. You can do this. You didn't gain all that weight overnight; you won't lose it overnight. But a year from now, won't you be glad you slowly changed your life for the better?
  • ellenaj52
    ellenaj52 Posts: 18 Member
    No one can live forever without eating a favorite food. Take one day and allow yourself a treat and go over you allotment slightly. If you allow yourself this treat you will not binge..like the other person said...this is not a diet this is how you must eat for the rest of your life....can you go your whole life without ever eating a dish of ice cream or a treat of somekind? Don't beat yourself up....
  • Someone once told me that dieting is like a car. Your in your car driving along and you get a flat. you deal with the one fat tire and dont slash all four tires. Basically it means that we have slip up because were human and its better to deal with one flat tire then 4 slashed tire. Believe me it souns better then its written. Yesterday on the message boards people were talking about how a "slip up" has made them loose weight because it tricks the body. Who knows.

    Take one day at a time and be just be happy. Lots of Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • thecpommander
    Think of it like a 'one step back, two steps forward' kind of thing, and you'll be alright.
  • nj303
    nj303 Posts: 11 Member
    If you are counting calories, as most do on MFP, there is no such thing as a "slip up" or "going off your diet". I go out to eat all the time but I plan ahead. I'm going to Cracker Barrel for breakfast with a friend @ 8 a.m. Some of their breakfast offerings come in at 1300 according to the MFP Database. I scrolled through till I put together what I am going to order BEFORE I LEAVE THE HOUSE!! I've decided I will have 2 whole grain pancakes (220cal), Vermont sugar free syrup (20cal) and 2 slices of bacon(86cal). Total for my breakfast will be 326 calories. That's acceptable to me. In fact, I might "live dangerously" and get another slice of bacon for 43 calories!! My daily calorie count is 1,500 so I've got 1,160 to go before bedtime. I'll make it. When I look at food at home or in a restaurant I mentally count calories. I also carry a small note pad in which I have planned meals for the restaurants I frequent the most and know how many calories I am eating instead of worrying about "slipping up". FYI, I have lost 1.5 pounds a week since I started in October. It isn't a diet....it's counting calories. If you pig out early in the day, you don't get dinner. simple!!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Don't be sad. I guarantee slipping 1 day won't wreck your whole week. I follow a plan that lets me spike my cals up 1000+ over normal day calories range s and eat all the foods I miss one day a week. I'm still losing just fine since starting 21 days ago. I have finally realized with diet is is not all or nothing. You'll be fine :)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    you are fantastic for doing all that walking. Lots of people have cheat meals, whether they log them or not. Like a few have said, this is a marathon not a sprint, and you need to think in terms of long term, sustainable changes. You aren't going to never have ice cream or Wendy's again in your life, so thinking in terms of cheat meals or planned cheats is better. If you eat those things every day then it's going to be hard to meet your calorie targets and lose weight. However that doesn't mean you can never have them. Just keep it in moderation. Either have planned cheat meals every now and then, or have small portions that you fit into your calorie goals. An all or nothing mentality is not sustainable. However being "good" most of the time then indulging once in a while will help most people to stay on track in the long term. Personally, I follow the 90% rule, which means if 90% of what I eat is healthy, then the other 10% won't hurt me. I try to keep that 10% within my calorie goals.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Imagine you're on vacation. You're driving from your house to the beach, and it's a 200 mile drive. About 20 miles in, you miss an exit on the turnpike.

    Your options:

    A) Consult your map or GPS and get back on the road, realizing that at most your detour will have cost you 15 minutes, but you'll still get to your destination.

    B) Say, "Well, I screwed up. Might as well go home."

    Which do you choose?

    You're going to be on this "road" a long time, so make sure it's a comfortable ride. Make sure you have room in your itinerary for some Wendy's or ice cream. There's going to be roadblocks, speed bumps, dead ends and detours. It's that way for everyone.