Duromine and Optifast - experiences?

Hi - my doctor started me on Duromine and Optifast (2 meal replacements per day) and one light meal. I'm also starting to go to the gym and trying to exercise more. I am extremely obese and I am trying to kickstart this massive weightloss road ahead of me - however I am in two minds... should I continue to take the Duromine and this very low calorie diet or just try to count my calories and eat real food and exercise? I would normally just say the latter, but lately I feel like I really need a solid boost to get things started...however - I went to the gym today and came back absolutely exhausted and flat and felt like I had to sleep and recover for a couple of hours... Grateful for any experiences that you have had with these products. many thanks!


  • toomuchbootyindapants
    Don't have experience with either although when I first started on my road to recovery (hah), my doc gave me phentermine to help "kick start" things. I didn't have a good experience and quickly stopped taking it. It is entirely possible to do this without drugs if you maintain a reasonable calorie deficit (not sure how obese you are as I haven't looked at your profile, but one pound loss a week is very easy to maintain at this stage by cutting calories by 500-600 a day below what you burn overall (TDEE)). Exercise will certainly help things along as it will change the shape of your body as you drop weight. Don't eat too large of a deficit because you will also lose a lot of lean mass (i.e. MUSCLE!!) and you don't want that - you want to lose fat. A reasonable calorie deficit will leave you with plenty of energy to get your workouts done and come home and continue to do things you need to do without feeling run down. Eating too little will leave you exhausted. Nourish your body - it will reward you. :)