Does eating healthy fats help with weight loss?

These last two weeks I have been losing more weight than I usually do, which is a good thing, but it got me thinking. I haven't changed my calorie consumption or the amount of exercise. The only thing different is that I started eating Lara Bars for breakfast which are high in healthy fats due to nuts, so I have been over my fat requirement most days. In prior weeks I was right at my daily fat requirement or a little under.

Many years ago I was on a medication that required a high fat diet to be absorbed. I was eating a lot of nuts and avocado at the time. During the six months I was on the medication, I dropped 20 pounds unintentionally, without exercising or cutting calories. Which is why I am now wondering if a higher level of healthy fats can help with weight loss.


  • KatrinaGrey
    KatrinaGrey Posts: 101 Member
    I'm not a nutritionist or a dietician but I think so. I've read a few articles that seem to agree. Here's one:

    Personally I think we've become too much a no-fat nation that it's actually hurting us (mainly because some people see non-fat as an excuse to use without regard for portion size) and because there is a certain amount of fat needed to be healthy.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I would take the nutrition courses on

    That is one of the lectures I just finished listening too. the course is nutrional science.

    you want to stay away from your saturated fats and eat fewer of those. and the monosaturated fats.

    the unsatuated fats are things like avacados, peanut butter etc.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Healthy fats are amazing for you - for your organs, your hair, your skin, your nails, all of you. I think we're doing it all wrong with the low-fat, reduced fat, fat free crap, I really do. I'm a fan of cooking with good olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, olives, yum.
    The comparison of how we eat here vs how the rest of the world eats (especially in the Mediterranean regions with their whole milk cheese, real butter, olives, oil drizzled on everything) fascinates me. I really think that they're doing it right in terms of diet. I think a lot of of dietary things seriously went to hell in making everything here "diet". We're a low fat nation and extra fat.
  • AshleyNicolexo_
    Healthy fats are amazing for you - for your organs, your hair, your skin, your nails, all of you. I think we're doing it all wrong with the low-fat, reduced fat, fat free crap, I really do. I'm a fan of cooking with good olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, olives, yum.
    The comparison of how we eat here vs how the rest of the world eats (especially in the Mediterranean regions with their whole milk cheese, real butter, olives, oil drizzled on everything) fascinates me. I really think that they're doing it right in terms of diet. I think a lot of of dietary things seriously went to hell in making everything here "diet". We're a low fat nation and extra fat.

    This ^
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    You're probably staying fuller longer and snacking less often with the consumption of more healthy fats like nuts.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    It helps me poop - so I vote YES!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm not a nutritionist or a dietician but I think so. I've read a few articles that seem to agree. Here's one:

    Personally I think we've become too much a no-fat nation that it's actually hurting us (mainly because some people see non-fat as an excuse to use without regard for portion size) and because there is a certain amount of fat needed to be healthy.

    Yep. They are called ESSENTIAL for a reason. Our ancestors were quite slender and they ate a LOT of fat. The no-fat/low fat craze has left us fatter as a nation (often because food manufacturers take out the fat and put in sugar and starch as substitutes). Fat helps to keep your metabolism humming and it is very important for absorption of the fat soluble vitamins. Cutting sugar and simple carbs out of the diet is a much healthier way to lower calorie consumption than is cutting out fat.
  • Polluxi
    I agree with the above, yes, fats are great for your body. (Not the trans-fat type, these are artificially engineered).

    You should really check out

    He advocates eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats, eggs, some dairy, and no wheat. It's not specifically low-carb (like Atkins) in that fruits and vegetables are obviously carbohydrates and those aren't restricted, in fact, the foundation of this way of eating is veggies and fruit. But it IS high-fat. 50%-60% of daily calories are coming from fat.

    Changed my way of eating completely - I went from the standard food pyramid (low fat, lots of "healthy" whole grains, etc), exercised and cut my calories...and lost maybe a few pounds which I eventually gained back. When I hit 180 lbs (big on my 5'4" frame) I knew I had to do something differently. I surfed the net and came across the page above, bought the guy's book (The Primal Blueprint), started eating that way for a month and dropped 20 lbs. I talked to my doctor before doing it and she was skeptical, but I had blood panels done beforehand, and then after 6 months of eating that way I had blood panels done again, and her jaw hit the floor. She said I was one of the healthiest people she'd ever seen. Today (8 months out) I'm down 42 lbs and went from 29% body fat to 21% body fat. I'm right with the person above that said we've got it totally wrong with our low-fat mentality.

    Okay okay I sound like a sales pitch. But really, you don't have to buy anything...just check out that blog. You've seen the difference first-hand, so I hope you'll go on and be as healthy as you can be! Good luck.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Healthy fats are amazing for you - for your organs, your hair, your skin, your nails, all of you. I think we're doing it all wrong with the low-fat, reduced fat, fat free crap, I really do. I'm a fan of cooking with good olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, olives, yum.
    The comparison of how we eat here vs how the rest of the world eats (especially in the Mediterranean regions with their whole milk cheese, real butter, olives, oil drizzled on everything) fascinates me. I really think that they're doing it right in terms of diet. I think a lot of of dietary things seriously went to hell in making everything here "diet". We're a low fat nation and extra fat.

    ^^^THIS IS CORRECT^^^ Many fats like coconut oil are good sources of MCT (medium chain triglycerides) that help you to burn fat. You are right about Mediterraneans---you would never see them promote no-fat or even low-fat diets and yet they are slender. They do eat a lot less sugar per capita though. Our per capita consumption of sugar is a horror show. We went from eating less than 5 pounds per capita per year in 1900 to 150 pounds per capita per year today! (Only about 40% of the consumption is from the sugar bowl--the rest is contained in all the processed food that most people here eat.) The rate of obesity perfectly tracks the consumption of sugar.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    It helps me poop - so I vote YES!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Healthy fats are amazing for you - for your organs, your hair, your skin, your nails, all of you. I think we're doing it all wrong with the low-fat, reduced fat, fat free crap, I really do. I'm a fan of cooking with good olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, olives, yum.
    The comparison of how we eat here vs how the rest of the world eats (especially in the Mediterranean regions with their whole milk cheese, real butter, olives, oil drizzled on everything) fascinates me. I really think that they're doing it right in terms of diet. I think a lot of of dietary things seriously went to hell in making everything here "diet". We're a low fat nation and extra fat.

    ^^^THIS IS CORRECT^^^ Many fats like coconut oil are good sources of MCT (medium chain triglycerides) that help you to burn fat. You are right about Mediterraneans---you would never see them promote no-fat or even low-fat diets and yet they are slender. They do eat a lot less sugar per capita though. Our per capita consumption of sugar is a horror show. We went from eating less than 5 pounds per capita per year in 1900 to 150 pounds per capita per year today! (Only about 40% of the consumption is from the sugar bowl--the rest is contained in all the processed food that most people here eat.) The rate of obesity perfectly tracks the consumption of sugar.

    there's nothing wrong with sugar. it's not toxic.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I've been consuming healthier fats, too. It's helping my bowel movements and overall health. I hope it helps burn the stored fat eventually.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    A good mix of fats (not trans fats though) is good for your endocrine system. Keep your hormones happy and they will help keep your metabolism happy. So indirectly, it does.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Healthy fats are amazing for you - for your organs, your hair, your skin, your nails, all of you. I think we're doing it all wrong with the low-fat, reduced fat, fat free crap, I really do. I'm a fan of cooking with good olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, olives, yum.
    The comparison of how we eat here vs how the rest of the world eats (especially in the Mediterranean regions with their whole milk cheese, real butter, olives, oil drizzled on everything) fascinates me. I really think that they're doing it right in terms of diet. I think a lot of of dietary things seriously went to hell in making everything here "diet". We're a low fat nation and extra fat.

    ^^^THIS IS CORRECT^^^ Many fats like coconut oil are good sources of MCT (medium chain triglycerides) that help you to burn fat. You are right about Mediterraneans---you would never see them promote no-fat or even low-fat diets and yet they are slender. They do eat a lot less sugar per capita though. Our per capita consumption of sugar is a horror show. We went from eating less than 5 pounds per capita per year in 1900 to 150 pounds per capita per year today! (Only about 40% of the consumption is from the sugar bowl--the rest is contained in all the processed food that most people here eat.) The rate of obesity perfectly tracks the consumption of sugar.

    there's nothing wrong with sugar. it's not toxic.

    I didn't say it was--at least not toxic in the conventional sense. However, for many individuals, it might as well be.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Could it be by eating a prepackaged bar instead of something you have to weigh and measure that you are just being more accurate in your daily calorie count?
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I make a point of chucking plenty of fish oil down my gob daily.

    I swear I feel better in every way for it.

    Maybe it's a placebo thing but I suspect not.

    Good for brain and body so I'll keep going.
  • shannonS108
    shannonS108 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for all of the great replies!
    Healthy fats are amazing for you - for your organs, your hair, your skin, your nails, all of you. I think we're doing it all wrong with the low-fat, reduced fat, fat free crap, I really do. I'm a fan of cooking with good olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, olives, yum.
    The comparison of how we eat here vs how the rest of the world eats (especially in the Mediterranean regions with their whole milk cheese, real butter, olives, oil drizzled on everything) fascinates me. I really think that they're doing it right in terms of diet. I think a lot of of dietary things seriously went to hell in making everything here "diet". We're a low fat nation and extra fat.

    This is interesting. My skin had been dry and I was breaking out for the last few months. Over the last two weeks my skin has been less dry and suddenly cleared up. There is definitely something to this.

    It sounds like healthy fats have all sorts of benefits. I think I will continue eating more nuts, olive oil, and avocado long term.
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    I like this idea
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    yes, healthy fats helps get rid of bad fat :happy: people need to stop be scared of fat ...its what fat should we be eating , we all need fat
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    Eating healthy fats helps with health.