Finding my motivation

This is a journey that I've all too familiar with. I lose wright, start doing well, go down a few pants sizes and then BAM- I hit a wall. I have a few "bad" meals and instead of starting over on track with the next meal, I become lazy and I use excuses to make another bad decision. "I already had a bagel for breakfast, so instead of the salad and chicken I brought for lunch, I'll go get chipotle. Oh and pizza for dinner". This is my pattern.
I've lost my motivation. And I need it back.

What is your motivation? It can be something deep and meaningful, or completely out there and fun. Short term v. Long term, doesn't matter.

I think I do better with short term goals. They seem less daunting. So here is my short term motivation- it's silly and superficial, but it's all mine:
I'm going in my first cruise 4 months from yesterday. I want to wear nice clothes and not be the token fat American. I have my eye on a dress that I'd like to wear. That's my motivation for right now. I don't want to set an unrealistic weight or size goal but let's say 20 lbs by then? 40 would be great.


  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    When I started out, I made a list of all the things about my weight that made my life uncomfortable: crossing my legs, arms rubbing against my sides when I walked, having a belly in the way when I bent over, not wearing the cute wrap skirt I had from my daughter's graduation, having frequent bouts of indigestion from the crap food I was eating, feeling sluggish and lethargic most of the time. I put that list and my most unflattering photo on the refrigerator.

    And then I got to work. I've never turned back. Every day now, I take time to appreciate my energy, strength, flexibility, and stamina.

    It is also important to be eating food you find delicious. I love Chipotle! But I also love the sirloin and veggie stir fry with Mountain Maui teriyaki sauce that I have carefully measured out for my lunch.
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    My main goals are to control my diabetes and get/stay healthy, set example for my children finally, be around for my grandchildren and grow old for my wife. In there somewhere also is the desire to be attractive to the opposite sex I guess.