Getting discouraged, fast

PoisonSugar Posts: 51
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi... I weigh 203#. I've been stuck here for longer than I know. A few weeks ago, I started a 'diet' of 1000-1200 calories a day. (Dr. advised) I started walking/running about 40 minutes a day along with doing push-ups, sit-ups and other calisthetics (sp?). I also occasionally do Jillian Michaels 30DS (about 2-3 days/week). This has been going on for a few weeks and I am stuck at the same weight with the occasional SLIGHT deviation. What do I do to help get over the hump? I've always told people, you got to work harder, eat less, etc. but apparently that isn't the case. I'm starting to get discouraged and thinking that I'm wasting my time. HELP ME! :)


  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Try eating more to accomodate your exercise in to your deficit. With all your exercise you're probably putting your body into starvation mode and it wants to hold on to all the fat once there. You need to nourish your body properly before it will burn your fat reserves.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I think your doctor is smoking crack. You are putting your body into starvation mode. Especially with all the exercising you are doing. I've lost 57 lbs on the Food Lovers program,

    Weigh in only once a week. Weigh in as soon as you get up after you pee. Do not weigh yourself thru out the day.
    Eat something within 1 hour of waking up. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day long until 1 hour before bedtime.
    Become a label detective and remove all food that has ingredients like white enriched flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
    Snacks should be kept under 200 calories and not include white flour, white sugar, corn syrup or anything else you cannot pronounce. Try fruit.
    Your meals should be protein, fast carb (potato, rice) and a slow carb (veggies) in the correct portions. You need to eat to keep your metabolism burning the fat.

    Here are the correct proportions for each meal for a woman:

    total calories for a meal - between 300 to 500
    protein between 15 to 30 g
    carbs - 30 to 45 g
    fat - 20 to 30 % or LESS of total calories
    fiber - at least 5 g (20 to 25 g/day)
    Sodium - LESS than 700 mgs per meal.

    This food plan absolutely works. It's taught me how to eat, how to cook, the right portions. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle that I will do for the rest of my life.

    Hope this helps and check out the website. Christine
  • i agree!

    i have always been told that 1200 is the LOWEST you want to go!! but if you dr said 1000 was ok what do i know haha.....make sure you are AT 1200 (or 1000), dont go below and like marisama says, when you work out you need to replace the cals burned so your body isnt in starvation mode!!

    good luck
  • Try eating more to accomodate your exercise in to your deficit. With all your exercise you're probably putting your body into starvation mode and it wants to hold on to all the fat once there. You need to nourish your body properly before it will burn your fat reserves.
    I TOTALLY agree with this! You are far below what you should be for calorie intake! Our bodies will go into starvation/storage mode if not given enough nutrients to function!
  • Capucine7
    Capucine7 Posts: 40
    I think your doctor is smoking crack. You are putting your body into starvation mode. Especially with all the exercising you are doing. I've lost 57 lbs on the Food Lovers program,

    Weigh in only once a week. Weigh in as soon as you get up after you pee. Do not weigh yourself thru out the day.
    Eat something within 1 hour of waking up. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day long until 1 hour before bedtime.
    Become a label detective and remove all food that has ingredients like white enriched flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
    Snacks should be kept under 200 calories and not include white flour, white sugar, corn syrup or anything else you cannot pronounce. Try fruit.
    Your meals should be protein, fast carb (potato, rice) and a slow carb (veggies) in the correct portions. You need to eat to keep your metabolism burning the fat.

    Here are the correct proportions for each meal for a woman:

    total calories for a meal - between 300 to 500
    protein between 15 to 30 g
    carbs - 30 to 45 g
    fat - 20 to 30 % or LESS of total calories
    fiber - at least 5 g (20 to 25 g/day)
    Sodium - LESS than 700 mgs per meal.

    This food plan absolutely works. It's taught me how to eat, how to cook, the right portions. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle that I will do for the rest of my life.

    Hope this helps and check out the website. Christine

    Thanks for the great advise. I'm sure a lot of us will benefit from all this info:flowerforyou:
  • clarkchambers
    clarkchambers Posts: 2 Member
    Try eating 5 smaller meals a day. I am just getting started, but my daughter found that this kept her energy level up and got her matabolism jump started. Good luck....I know that you are better off today than when you first began. clark
  • aprildh
    aprildh Posts: 90
    I think your doctor is smoking crack. You are putting your body into starvation mode. Especially with all the exercising you are doing. I've lost 57 lbs on the Food Lovers program,

    Weigh in only once a week. Weigh in as soon as you get up after you pee. Do not weigh yourself thru out the day.
    Eat something within 1 hour of waking up. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day long until 1 hour before bedtime.
    Become a label detective and remove all food that has ingredients like white enriched flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup.
    Snacks should be kept under 200 calories and not include white flour, white sugar, corn syrup or anything else you cannot pronounce. Try fruit.
    Your meals should be protein, fast carb (potato, rice) and a slow carb (veggies) in the correct portions. You need to eat to keep your metabolism burning the fat.

    Here are the correct proportions for each meal for a woman:

    total calories for a meal - between 300 to 500
    protein between 15 to 30 g
    carbs - 30 to 45 g
    fat - 20 to 30 % or LESS of total calories
    fiber - at least 5 g (20 to 25 g/day)
    Sodium - LESS than 700 mgs per meal.

    This food plan absolutely works. It's taught me how to eat, how to cook, the right portions. It's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle that I will do for the rest of my life.

    Hope this helps and check out the website. Christine
    I just wanted to thank you for this post. I've never seen anything lined out like that for a meal and I think it will be really helpful to me. I also have been stuck at just over 200 pounds for two months. It is very frustrating. I'm not even seeing a difference in my clothes. However, I can tell I'm stronger and able to do more so I know good things are happening inside of me, but I am so ready to see the fat start melting off my belly!!! My chiropractor has been real encouraging telling me that right now my body is just converting fat to muscle and he can definitely tell a difference in muscle tone. My brother-in-law who has lost over 70 pounds says that eventually my body will catch up or balance out or something like that and I will start to see the fat weight go down. So please hang in there with me. Maybe we will both break 200 together.
  • martye13
    martye13 Posts: 1
    I'm sorry, but it sounds like your doctor's expertise does not include nutrition. I would be concerned about any advice he/she may be giving, given how blatantly wrong he/she is about your caloric intake!
    Stick with it. Eat more quality calories. Plan and schedule your work-outs, and stay with them. Step up the intensity and push yourself beyond what you think you can do. And, definitely, keep checking the message boards for advice and encouragement. There is plethora or people on these boards that know what they're talking about!
    Good luck!!
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Hi. I briefly glanced at your food diary, and one suggestion for helping you get over the hump would be to cut out fast food and add more veggies, fruits and healthy proteins (chicken, lean pork, eggs, beans). The quality of your calories is as important as keeping them low. Healthier, lower-calorie choices actually allow you to eat more, too! (bonus!) There are plenty of good posts on this site about healthy options...check the "recipes" section. Good luck and stick with it! :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I didn't look at your food diary but reading the post above she says you are eating fast food. You have to remember that 1200 calories of fruits, veggies and lean meats are different than 1200 calories of junky sodium ridden fast food! I am going to give you the most important piece of advice I can give you --- if you are serious and really want to lose the weight, you must eat all of your meals at home, cut out processed junk, and eat lean meats and veggies!!!
  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    I also looked at your food diary - there are quite a few days that you don't have recorded, but I did notice that on days when you did record, you were a good bit over the 1000-1200 calorie goal. I agree that 1000 is too low, but if you can net between 1200-1400 (including your exercise calories) that should put you on the right path.

    And I agree with previous posters - you could eat so much more food if you were eating more fresh food and less processed & fast food. Sodium might be the big culprit that is blocking your weight loss.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Go and get your body fat measured occaisionally (calipers are best). You may be gaining muscle and losing fat, but not lbs.:)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I can lose weight like crazy on a 1200 calorie diet & lots of exercise until I hit 215 pounds. And then my body freaks out (this is the 2nd time I've been here -- the first time, 5 years ago, I gave up & quit because I couldn't get past the plateau. This time is WAY different in terms of what I'm doing and how much I know about what I'm doing, but just the same I hit that plateau at the exact same spot). I have to eat *more.* I hit the plateau at 216.4 pounds 2 months ago. I started eating more (roughly 1350-1450 calories on days I exercise). After 3 weeks of eating more, I dropped 6 pounds in 3 weeks. Now, at the lowest weight I've ever been in my adult life, I've hit another wall. I've started eating even MORE. Now 1400-1500 on days I exercise, 1300-1400 days I don't exercise -- I determine about how much to eat by eating roughly 1350 base calories and eating roughly 25-50% of my exercise calories.
    No wonder I've never been able to break through and get below that weight before -- eating *more* is the answer and I never would've guessed. Thanks to MFP I know better now. :wink: Eating LESS, when you're already on a significantly reduced calorie diet is NEVER going to be the right answer.

    Also, be sure you're eating quality calories. :smile: 300 calories of beer are not equal to 300 calories of lean proteins, veggies, and good fats. :wink: Your body doesn't just need calories, it needs *nutrition.*
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I didn't look at your food diary but reading the post above she says you are eating fast food. You have to remember that 1200 calories of fruits, veggies and lean meats are different than 1200 calories of junky sodium ridden fast food! I am going to give you the most important piece of advice I can give you --- if you are serious and really want to lose the weight, you must eat all of your meals at home, cut out processed junk, and eat lean meats and veggies!!!


    OP, you're eating a lot of processed foods and sugars! I try and limit processed foods (i.e. Lean cuisine) to once or twice a week for times when I'm super busy and behind schedule and need a quick meal. That said, I throw in extra veggies and stuff with the lean cuisines. I think they're great and one of the better ones out there...
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