As long as you have the calories eat it?



  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    As long as you have calories and you're hungry and you're keeping your fats under reasonable control, eat it.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Should you try to eat nutritious foods as much as possible? Yeah.

    Is it going to hurt your ability to lose weight to have a little junk now and then? Nope.

    A lot of people find it much easier to build some treats in, rather than try to restrict everything. The best plan is the one you can do forever, and I don't think I could cut out anything forever.

    As I'm typing this, I'm eating a bowl of Lucky Charms :tongue:

    Spot on! The minute you say "I can never eat x, y or z again" you're setting yourself up for failure. Just keep it as a treat once in a while and work those calories in.
  • viviennemayer
    Eating the right things is way important no doubt. It helps give your body the nutrients it needs for max benefits and to help your muscles heal properly as well as ligaments and tendons. The cleanse benefits are als more effective when you eat right. That being said if you have the extra calories to spend as long as the negative junk foods are in moderation and just a once in a while thing like a special celebration then it's ok. I plan out those "sin" days ahead of time and eat as best I can the rest of the day so I'm not feeling sluggish later on. The junk food really draggs your body down after you've been eating clean, but as long as you are in calorie range you can still lose the weight. It is crazy thought and I totally understand the confusion.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Should you try to eat nutritious foods as much as possible? Yeah.

    Is it going to hurt your ability to lose weight to have a little junk now and then? Nope.

    A lot of people find it much easier to build some treats in, rather than try to restrict everything. The best plan is the one you can do forever, and I don't think I could cut out anything forever.

    As I'm typing this, I'm eating a bowl of Lucky Charms :tongue:


    It's best to find a program that works for YOU!
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    I see that you are frustrated about this. Honestly? I would just do what *you* need to do and stop paying such close attention to what other people are doing. You're just going to make yourself crazy!


    When I started on here, I only watched my calorie limit. I ate whatever I wanted as long as it was within my limit and lost 30 pounds doing that. It's only been more recently that I've started watching everything else. Some people have to start with just one small change (learning to eat less) and work their way up to tracking all their macros. Everyone is different so as long as what you're doing works for you, that's all that matters.
  • chelchelt
    chelchelt Posts: 77 Member
    Eating right is important but not the whole of it. I try and eat alot of protein and healthy foods each day but I also have my indulgent food every day. It may be cookies, or ice cream or whatever. I just don't eat half the tub like I use to or eat 2 king size candy bars. Everything in moderation and if you try and cut something out completely it makes it harder to keep on the right track.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I agree with what has been said about healthy choices etc.

    How are you progressing?

    Find what works for you.

    You're still on the younger side but as you get older, you just won't have the metabolism of a 20 year old who burns calories just thinking about working out- lol:wink:
  • Gin66
    Gin66 Posts: 47 Member
    I don't eat junk, deep fried or many carb. However I can't live without my Dark Chocolate.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Okay, so I am a little confused.. I see on here a lot people saying things like "I'm craving potato chips, chocolate, etc..." and then I see responses that are "If you have the calories left eat it!" I thought to lose weight it wasn't just about counting calories. I thought you also had to watch what types of foods you eat and also watch macros like carbs, fat, saturated fat, and sodium. Am I going about this all wrong? I just don't see how you can eat whatever as long as you stay under a certain number of calories and still lose weight. Just saying. It doesn't make sense to me.

    if you "watch macros like carbs, fat, saturated fat, and sodium", it doesn't matter what food you eat to meet your macro goals. the only exception is for medically mandated diets, of course.
  • DocMarr
    DocMarr Posts: 132 Member
    I follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of my food intake is wholegrain, lean, lots of veg, fruit and all the other healthy stuff. But I am no saint and this is not a diet but the way I have eaten for years and will continue to eat in the future - so I allow up to 20% of my calorie intake to be the more indulgent stuff that we shouldn't eat so much of. That means the vast majority of what I eat is wholesome and healthy, but there is some wiggle room for slightly unhealthier eating that won't make me ill and is sustainable in the long term.