Skinny Buffalo Chicken Dip

Skinny Buffalo Chicken Dip (Serves 4, Prep Time: 15-mins, Total Time: 30 mins)
6 oz Chicken Breast
2 cups Chicken Broth
4 Laughing Cow Light Wedges Garlic and Herb
1 TBSP Blue Cheese Crumbles
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt, plain non-fat or 2%
2-4 TBSP Franks Red Hot – depends on your own preference
2 tbsp Shredded Cheddar Cheese, reduced fat or 2%
Cut raw chicken breast into 2″ slices and add to boiling chicken broth. You may use water if you do not have any. Using two forks string chicken by pulling in opposite direction. The longer it boils, the easier it will be to pull apart or just chop after 10-15 minutes. Combine all ingredients except shredded cheese. Top with shredded cheese and bake at 350F for 15-20 minutes. Allow to cool, serve with chips or celery. Use an 8×8 pan.

We didn’t have an 8×8 at Lauren’s so we used a loaf pan. If you prefer to use sour cream and mayo instead of greek yogurt, use 1/4 cup of each. You may also use the Blue Cheese wedges from The Laughing Cow and omit the additional crumbles.

Yesterday, I took my first “sick day” in a long time. It was weird and I felt lazy at the end of the day. I’m not sure what it was, but nausea is never a fun time. Working from home, it’s nice to be able to take a sick day when you need one. On the other hand, it totally stinks because I have no one to cover for me and as a result I feel totally behind and unproductive. Being self-employed, you do not get sick days or paid vacation. It’s one of the drawbacks but there are plenty of benefits as well. I find it most challenging to let myself enjoy not being able to work. I had my iPhone glued to my hip all day checking for important emails. I felt like a stay at home parent watching daytime TV.

They have quite the line up these days on daytime TV. Starting at 9 I had on Live with Kelly, The Today Show, The View, my local news, The Chew, The Doctors… I slept through half of these but enjoy The Chew. Fred Armisen was on and had me cracking up. The hosts of chefs asked him what he doesn’t like for food and he responded, “Tapas.” He explained the small plates in a group setting give him anxiety. He isn’t satisfied with just a small bite but doesn’t know what proper etiquette is and just wants some of the plates to himself. Since none of the hosts could relate, he said he felt crazy. I wanted to write about this because, I don’t think Fred is crazy here. I understand what he means when I’m out with a group of 4+ people. Although I love tapas, I do feel like it’s a little awkward when you want seconds but aren’t sure if everyone has had a bite. Is there a tapas etiquette protocol? Does anyone else feel like Fred and myself?