
Fairly new to MFP--Just started Insanity 3 wks ago

Army Officer - Looking to keep pushing despite a hectic schedule

Looking for a push when I need it and to motivate others when they need it

Let's go!!



  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    Hey I started it 11 days ago,I thought Ihad a strong cardio base,I was wrong.lol.looking to get through this then do a slow clean bulk to put on some lean mass
  • ltmccaskill
    ltmccaskill Posts: 8 Member
    I feel you on that. I had to cut out almost all weight work to get as light as I want.

    I need to clean up my diet. I was pretty good for 3 wks and slacked this last week. Ran out of protein and it was down hill from there.

    I am trying to cut down to about 205 and rebuild through clean bulk back to 215,
  • ltmccaskill
    ltmccaskill Posts: 8 Member
    Hows it going Bro? You still getting after it?