Ponytails are SEXY? For real?



  • Mydnyte_Ryder
    Mydnyte_Ryder Posts: 248 Member
    True, Definitely, Indeed. And some supporting Lyrics from a Toby Keith song:

    Yeah the cabbie said that he'd drive like hell
    if you'd promise me a pony tail
    and my favorite vicky's secret underwear.
    Only bad thing about it
    is I ain't already there.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm pretty sure nobody has ever seen my gym hair and thought it was sexy.

    Mine's dead sexy.


    (5 mile run, 20-30mph winds)
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    All very interesting! I only tie my hair in a pony tail when it is annoying me or needs washing!
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    I love a cute ponytail. But more than that I like it when a girl changes up her hair all the time. Different styles, colors, curls, straight, braids, piggies, whatever... that's huge for me.

    So, yeah, we like ponytails... I'm surprised that this is not better known by women than it is.

    And a girl that's all sweaty from working out OR from letting us guys tappit... Holy Moly, that's so damn HOT!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm pretty sure nobody has ever seen my gym hair and thought it was sexy.

    Mine's dead sexy.


    (5 mile run, 20-30mph winds)

    Touché, Lorina...Touché.
    I change my position. That is DEAD sexy.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    This blows my mind that guys think ponytails are sexy! I always feel so UNsexy when I wear one. Maybe I'll have a little swagger in my step next time!
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Pony tails are ok, but on some it projects an innocent young girl...and that is fine for those who prefer that style....but generally I dont see a bold & uninhibited woman when I see a pony tail.

    As someone said, a sexy woman is a sexy woman; but sometimes the hair style does add a lot to the package. I generally find wild (bedroom) curly hair attractive as it is outside the rules.... & rules are for followers. Consider Rebekah Wade. She is not a classical beauty and if she wore her hair in a different style she wouldnt attract much attention...but she will challenge a man....a major turn on ....she has the confidence to ignore the rules & and will step out & make her own rules. Rebekah's hairstyle says it all, she projects that she is confident, unconventional, & unconfined.... I love a woman who can challenge me.

  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    What a strange question and strange group of answers.....Some professionally polished ponytails might be sexy but for the rest of us it's just what you do to keep your hair off your neck. I'm pretty sure nobody has ever seen my gym hair and thought it was sexy.

    Oh I am betting you are wrong there.
  • Raerae1993
    Raerae1993 Posts: 82 Member
    Whenever i wear a ponytail it tends to get pulled by my guy friends or coworkers...I think it depends on how the hair is styled up too
  • Raerae1993
    Raerae1993 Posts: 82 Member
    This blows my mind that guys think ponytails are sexy! I always feel so UNsexy when I wear one. Maybe I'll have a little swagger in my step next time!

    I think a lot of girls feel lazy when wearing a ponytail, who knew guys would like it? lol
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Ohhh okay, okay, I get it, I get it, okay, you being all selective because you have a ponytail. Right? Right? You think a lot of men can't handle the regalness of an updo. Right? Right? You all like Grace Kelly. Grace Kelly. Grace Kelly.

    If anyone knows what that's from I'll marry you.


    Also, are you proposing, or shall I? :D

    Anyways, if pony tails are sexy, that's news to me. IMO it's just the easiest thing to do with long hair when working out, especially doing cardio.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Ponytails? Maybe.

    Scrunchies? Definitely not.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    Yeah ponytails are attractive, in my opinion.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    my hair never looks good in a ponytail. :sad:
  • __stacyb
    __stacyb Posts: 306
    I always thought ponytails are sexy but pig tails sexier. Scrunchies-no
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    my hair never looks good in a ponytail. :sad:

    Because you can't see the back, duh!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I always thought ponytails are sexy but pig tails sexier. Scrunchies-no

    You are talking about a different kind of sexy. One that involves tiny skirts, button down blouses, and a ruler.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    my hair never looks good in a ponytail. :sad:

    Because you can't see the back, duh!

    gotta trust me on this one...i wear scrunchies lol
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    What is wrong with scrunchies?