Substitutions for Arm Injuries

I am working out to Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and have been at level one for a week and wanted to progress to level 2. However I noticed that she routinely says how to make substitutions for leg and lower body injuries but nothing about upper arm/body injuries. Most of level 2 is done in the plank position which I can't hold due to weakness in my left shoulder (I had two repairs done one in 2009 and the other in 2010) that won't allow me to support my body on my arms how she wants. I don't feel challenged at level 1 but I know level 3 is too hard.

Is there anything I can do to make the plank exercises easier for my shoulders? Besides starting over with a new workout program lol! I like this one but I am not ready for anything more difficult. Or should I just keep doing level one but do it twice a day?


  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 941 Member
    I'm not a fan of planks at all, or any other type of isometric exercise, but...

    You could rest your chest on a stability ball, and elevate your feet to near horizontal by placing them on a chair. You could then do the plank without your shoulders needing to bear your weight, or...

    Since planks are primarily a core exercise you could substitute core exercises which are friendlier to the shoulders. In other words, take a little detour around these level 2 exercises. Here's some examples or...

    You could do some strength training to strengthen your shoulders so that after a while you could perform planks. You might have to delay your 30-day shred though.