Heart rate monitor advice



  • harleigh67
    Honey on behalf of us who are on here to get healthy & fit, I would like to apologize for the comments that did not answer what you were asking....

    The best monitor I have found is the Body Media fit and it does work with MFP ,it gives you tips and things to watch keep an eye on, tracks sleep (which was an eye opener for my doctor), breaks everything down for you, easy set up, is a strap on arm band (upper arm), Velcros so it is comfortable, & it will let you see on average or 1, 7, 14, 30 days average of all totals tracked.

    As for those of you who answered......

    First -off the reason she wants to track everything is her own business.Not Yours!

    Second-tracking your sleep is a great idea for those of you who have no clue why (do some home work on it you will learn how sleep does also affect you)

    Third- most chest straps do not always fit well without buying additional larger strap or clipping to a bra which can be uncomfortable for some.

    Fourth- If you turned around and made a smart comment or answered a question with a question, please use the tools available to you to educate yourself.....Do you have a clue how living a Healthier Lifestyle works?

    Lastly- Saying someone is obsessive because they are serious about learning about how their body works and they want to track themselves more accurately...was probably a comment by someone who has no clue what they are doing and the over estimate calorie intake & under estimate calorie burn, or someone who does not think sitting in front of TV is obsessive!!