1000 cal & no weight lose



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Eat More.


    Also, if you get this frustrated after 12 days, this is going to be really difficult for you. This isn't an exact science. It takes time.
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    The one rule of this forum: Don't say, "I've been eating [insert ridiculously low amount of calories here]. Why am I not losing weight?!" I mean this in the kindest way possible. They will attack you like vultures.

    Calculate your TDEE, up your calories, and you'll see weight drop.

    Or you could miserably starve yourself. Your choice.
  • angeturtle25
    what foods do I eat,, Cause everytime I eat my family has something so negative to say to me Like THATS NOT HELPING YOU or YOu need to get that Butt & Belly gone.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Even when you lose weight on such low calories, it comes right back. It's really and truly best to lose weight at a subtle deficit, then you can keep it off when you get to goal. Definitely read the information about "in place of a road map".

    You go through hormonal changes at too low a calorie count and those hormones make your body hold onto weight; I'm not making this up.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    and here is that link again:


    If you want to lose weight you have to eat properly and HEALTHILY. If you choose not to you weight loss will stall and it will take you even longer in the end, and harm your body.
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    Calorie intake is waaay too low!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    OH, so you want us to change how your family reacts? How should we go about that?

    Eat what you want, just eat more. Tell your family to back off.
  • biscuit71
    biscuit71 Posts: 43 Member
    Up your calories to at least 1200. Your body will think it's starving and hold on to the fat. If you exercise regularly, you need to some or all of thos burned calories back so that you net 1200. Otherwise, you will stay the same. Good luck!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    :sad: Getting lbs off

    if you try dieting at too low a calorie level, it becomes counterproductive to weight loss. your body interprets that sustained under-nourishment as a dangerous and stressful condition and the hormonal balance in your body is affected. the extra cortisol (apparently this is the main culprit) makes it harder to burn fat reserves. obviously, if you're way under on your calories one day, but are mostly on target the rest, this won't happen. but if it's a sustained low calorie intake level, day after day, your body will react to slow down the loss of stored fat.

    the next thing to understand is that fat loss and gain are complex processes and do not happen in 24-hour increments. these metabolic processes also use quite a bit of water, so you may see unexpected movement on scale due to water retention that effectively masks what is really going on inside. that water may be retained for hours or days. this is why weighing daily makes no sense, unless you want to drive yourself crazy.

    eat more. add some exercise if you need to stay at the same daily deficit from TDEE. don't weigh yourself daily. be patient. it'll happen.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    How much do I need 2 eat??? I have a sit down all day job & when I get home I cook dinner for my kid then do laundry then chill for a bit & go speed walking, still isn't helping

    You need to eat 5-6 small meals (300 calories or so) a day. On average at least. Some meals I eat are 500-600, others are 150 (snacks)

    Number of meals per day/meal timing is insignificant and has no impact on weight loss
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    what foods do I eat,,

    It doesn't matter. Listen to what everyone here is telling you. Figure out how many calories you need to be eating (read the link that has been posted for you several times). The way you fill up those calories is up to you. There is no magic trick or a certain list of foods that will make you lose weight. Just educate yourself on calories and you'll do just fine!
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    Use the link to the TDEE thread that was sent to you to figure out how much to eat.

    If you don't want to go look at the thread, I would at least try bumping your calories up to 1400 and see how you feel from there. I would add calories slowly until you find what works for you.
  • ramyb777
    Let mypal figure out how many cals you should eat and then figure in your exercise, you will do better
  • amberlynnsinspired
    amberlynnsinspired Posts: 438 Member
    1,000 calories is not enough food. You need to be eating more than that. Your body is in 'starvation mode' and holding onto whatever food you are eating.
  • angeturtle25
    Thank that's what I was wanting to know,, I will try that today & give it 2 wks...
  • TLTucker80
    TLTucker80 Posts: 123 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!! just keep messing around with you calories until you find what works for you.. I'm not saying eat less calories. Not everyone is the same. (this is not an excuse) my weight problem happened when my doctor started me on medicine for bipolar. The meds have worked really well after he got my doses right but in that time I gained 85lbs I was overweight but not THAT much overweight well now here I am trying to lose the weight and he put me on something to try and help but the problem is that my meds are working against each other one makes me gain and on makes me lose so he said I have to work really really hard to lose. I eat around 1000 to 1200 calories a day which is not really enough but if I eat more then that the scale goes up or stays the same. and I'm only losing around 1/2 to 1lb a week. But what ever you do DON"T GIVE UP YOU CAN DO THIS
  • StrongerThanThor
    StrongerThanThor Posts: 544 Member
    Everyone already answered you but lemme repeat it again because i'm such an awesome helper!

    "Not eating enough. "

  • angeturtle25
    I was a Nice curvy size 7 until July 2012 when I quit smoking Cigaretts, then I started eating in place of smoking & put on 45 lbs. So I am doing what I can to get it off before June..
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    :sad: Getting lbs off

    Hi Ange, I really think you need to up your calories (as other people have said) We all want to lose weight fast when we first start out...I mean OM gosh lets all be skinny/slim/muscly and cute...but really you need to do it slowly and safely.

    Are you keeping your diary? That is the most important thing. Make sure you are eating enough.

    Doing some exercise? Anything is better than nothing...log it..eat your exercise cals or some of them.

    Most important..Be Patient...

    You will lose weight eventually from eating a ridiculous low calorie diet...will you put the weight back on..a big FAT yes.

    If you want to lose weight and tone up then do it the right way. Eat and exercise, take it steady x
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    what foods do I eat,, Cause everytime I eat my family has something so negative to say to me Like THATS NOT HELPING YOU or YOu need to get that Butt & Belly gone.

    Just to get you started, why not try eating the foods you have recently been eating when you managed to put the weight on BUT less of them. Then as you get more into this you will start to make healthy changes to the foods that you eat.

    I am a little surprised that someone of your age does not already know what really is healthy and not healthy and how to choose what you need to eat. If you have a family I am assuming that you are quite capable of feeding them what they need!!

    You will obtain a lot of information from this site and the people that use it, but we also have to take responsibility for ourselves for the most part in order to do this.

    Good luck:flowerforyou: