when you get to your goal weight

How exciting will it be to try on clothes you never thought you could wear? That thought keeps me going :)


  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I have an entire dresser full of brand new clothes that i cant wait to fit in. That is keeping me going. :)
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    How exciting will it be to try on clothes you never thought you could wear? That thought keeps me going :)

    totally! or clothes you used to wear. or clothes that you have but don't wear because you're worried you look stupid in them :laugh: I hung on to some of my clothes. I should be able to fit my skinny person jeans about 15 lb before goal weight, but I want those bloody things LOOSE!
  • pariskathryn
    pariskathryn Posts: 173 Member
    the second I reach ~my goal weight, I'm putting on a sleeveless knee length (OR SHORTER?!?!) cocktail dress. even if it's just to hang out in. I DON'T CARE.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    It's pretty awesome. Here's a pic of me in my "goal weight pants":


    I'm still five pounds from my goal weight and sooo much smaller than I thought I'd be. Expensive, but also kind of fun. :smile:
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    About 6 years ago i went to the Surf store and brought all these awesome size 32-34 board shorts and Tank Tops to give me motivation.

    I got down to size 36 and went off the diet. ARRRRGGGHHHHH!

    Still have them and im a size 42 :(

    I pulled them out 2 days ago to remind me how much i really want to wear them.

    Next Summer! Next Summer!
  • Cullinanmarti
    Cullinanmarti Posts: 72 Member
    My goal is rather strange. When I was in my twenties, I was in a car accident and taken to the ED for evaluation of a head injury (I was OK). The attending doctor left me alone with my chart and the snoop that I am, I opened to my history and physical. The admitting doctor had written, "Pt is a thin, well muscled woman......" I want to hear that for the rest of my life!!!
  • folieeadeuxx
    folieeadeuxx Posts: 83 Member
    Im gonna put on a bikini and feel awesome when I finally reach my goal weight!!
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413

    I want to ROCK this swimsuit this summer!
  • jennahiltibran
    You can do it! I have my goal jeans just hanging there looking me in the eye everyday lol
  • jennahiltibran
    It's pretty awesome. Here's a pic of me in my "goal weight pants":


    I'm still five pounds from my goal weight and sooo much smaller than I thought I'd be. Expensive, but also kind of fun. :smile:

    you look wonderful!!!
  • jennahiltibran
    How exciting will it be to try on clothes you never thought you could wear? That thought keeps me going :)

    totally! or clothes you used to wear. or clothes that you have but don't wear because you're worried you look stupid in them :laugh: I hung on to some of my clothes. I should be able to fit my skinny person jeans about 15 lb before goal weight, but I want those bloody things LOOSE!

    omg! I have my size 9 pacsun Hermosa skinny jeans just hanging there I want to be that size again so bad :)

    we can do it!
  • jennahiltibran

    I want to ROCK this swimsuit this summer!

    girl you will! :) so cute!
  • jennahiltibran
    the second I reach ~my goal weight, I'm putting on a sleeveless knee length (OR SHORTER?!?!) cocktail dress. even if it's just to hang out in. I DON'T CARE.
    that's my DREAM. preferably a lacey bebe dress... if I have the money lol
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Ehhh...once I reach my goal weight, I get to look forward to cramming 2500-3000 calories into myself per day, and lifting 9-10 times per week. I have a feeling that it's going to be painful, so I am not in too much of a hurry to get there. ;)
  • jennahiltibran
    Im gonna put on a bikini and feel awesome when I finally reach my goal weight!!

    Me too girl! :) lets do it!
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    Cannot wait to wear slutty tops!
  • Rockytop_relic
    Rockytop_relic Posts: 208 Member

    I want to ROCK this swimsuit this summer!
    Go Vols, send me a pic.:wink:
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    LOL Johnathon hahahahah
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You know what's fun? Eating my words. (And the food. I like eating the food!)

    I kept this one particularly hideous pair of jeans that I wore in high school, just because they were really obnoxious and I'm a touch of a hoarder. (And everyone comes to me for last minute Halloween costumes!) I got the jeans in 1986, when I was 14 years old and weighed about 110 pounds.

    I had a status on FB one time (maybe 3-4 years ago) about the jeans (I called them the Puke Pants... they looked like psychedelic vomit), and how I really should get rid of them because I wasn't ever going to be able to wear them, and how I would have to get some kind of horrible illness to ever be 110 pounds again.

    Well, I was right in one regard. I'm NEVER going to be 110 pounds again. I'm about 25 pounds above that now. But those Puke Pants? I can wear them.


    Not sure if I ever WILL wear them, but I CAN!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    You know what's fun? Eating my words. (And the food. I like eating the food!)

    I kept this one particularly hideous pair of jeans that I wore in high school, just because they were really obnoxious and I'm a touch of a hoarder. (And everyone comes to me for last minute Halloween costumes!) I got the jeans in 1986, when I was 14 years old and weighed about 110 pounds.

    I had a status on FB one time (maybe 3-4 years ago) about the jeans (I called them the Puke Pants... they looked like psychedelic vomit), and how I really should get rid of them because I wasn't ever going to be able to wear them, and how I would have to get some kind of horrible illness to ever be 110 pounds again.

    Well, I was right in one regard. I'm NEVER going to be 110 pounds again. I'm about 25 pounds above that now. But those Puke Pants? I can wear them.


    Not sure if I ever WILL wear them, but I CAN!

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