Your imperfections make you BEAUTIFUL!!

I saw this on my FB, and I wanted to share it with all of you too. This used to be me. To be perfectly honest, it still is. I think i will always have body image issues, but...I'm working on it. I'm putting this out there because I really want every women to embrace how wonderful they are...imperfections and all. It might not be weight that's your issue...but something else is. We, as women, are WAY to hard on ourselves. Please take the time to read REALLY hit home for me...and I will for some of you too. LOVE WHO YOU ARE LADIES!!!! Those imperfections are what make you BEAUTIFUL. It has become a person mission of mine to help women really SEE themselves...because I know what I've gone through/still going through due to what society dictates, and what I do to myself on a daily basis...and it's time for me/ us to make a change. =) LOVE YOURSELF!!!! Ok, public service announcement over. here is the link to what I'm talking about. (I'm not good at links so I hope this works)
