Stuggling with cravings:-(



  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    I feel you.

    Give yourself one day a week for sweets - all meals should not contain sweets, but allowing yourself a cheat day is going to help you control cravings.

    Drink water, keep yourself full.

    If you want something sweet, I suggest mixing 2 mashed bananas with quick oats, bake at 350 degrees for about 15-20 minutes for a really sweet, super delicious, low calorie cookie.

    If you are craving chocolate, go for dark chocolate - there's Swiss Miss Hot dark chocolate (it is so heavenly).

    Buy snacks that are low in calories so that if you do end up snacking, it'll be on something that won't kill your entire calorie budget:
    - Skinny popcorn (they're at Costco! So good.)
    - Fiber One 90 calorie Brownies / Chocolate chip cookies. Also really good, but kindof small.
    - Mott's fruit snacks.
    - Granola bars (90-140 calories each, not bad!)
    - Celery with bleu cheese or hummus.
    - Almond butter with whole wheat toast.
    - Raw almonds/mixed nuts.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    everything in moderation. make it fit. if it doesn't, either accept you will go over today or hit the gym to earn a few calories in the bank.
  • Momm22boys
    When I have a craving I drink a glass and wait a few minutes. Sometimes that doesn't work. I LOVE Oreos and sometimes I just have to have one, so I drink a glass of water and then I just have one. Then I add it to my food diary immediately. That way I don't feel like I'm depriving myself and I still have plenty of calories left over for healthy eating the rest of the day.
  • sharonKay65
    sharonKay65 Posts: 93 Member
    I am almost to that point now kinda wanting something but not sure what exactly. ... With that being said, my deal is my family, especially my ex-husband who made his share of comments about my weight and now that he and my family knows I am trying to lose weight they all keep offering me food that clearly is not low-fat or healthy. I think they are just trying to be nice, and so far I have been able to resist the temptation, I try to be polite but firm in telling them "No Thank You" Has any one else had to deal with this.