For all the mommies!



  • Hey Ash... I would like to join your challenge... I still have "baby" weight to lose from you and your

    So count me in.. I'll take my measurements when I get back from the trip with Mom Mom...or better yet can you take them for me...

    Love you and Good Luck to you and everyone!!!

  • Hey Ladies Happy Weigh In Day! So I stepped on the scale today and thought positive but only saw 194.......I have been steady for the past two days (yes I cheated and weighed in earlier :happy: ) The weather here has been rather crappy the last few days so my outside walks have gone down the drain. Things seem to be looking up for the rest of the week so outside I gooooo.

    Katie~ I have tried Zumba before and actually like it. I think I may look into doing more classes. One of these days I will post about my extensive running like you! Dont fret about the over indulging with your girlfriends because we all need a break sometimes. Hope you have a good weigh in today.

    Ferf~ 2 pounds is wonderful and the inches lost are even better. Sometimes when the scale says nothing good and we measure and see we have shrunk that gives some hope. A lot of people dont pay much attention to the scale but to how the look/feel in their clothes( I on the other hand am slightly obessesed with the numbers)

    Well I must return to my exciting morning at work and I cant wait to see how you have all done this week. Oh and I would like to welcome my mother Sandywms44 to our challenege.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Aww, Welcome Sandy, Ash's mom! LOL That's awesome that you have the support together!

    So yeah, it wasn't a good WI, up a pound, but at least it's only a pound. I am now feeling sick and queasy, don't know what's up with me.

    And you don't need to be coordinated to do Zumba, just have a lot of fun and shake your booty! ;) I burned 625 cals lastnight! Had a blast :)

    I am going to lay low the rest of the night and hopefully I feel better in the morning. Gonna WI again on Friday to see if I lost that!
  • Katie~ Awwww boo to the one pound too! I am sure once you are feeling better you will knock that pound right back off. My mom used to do Zumba weekly last year and I never once tried it with her. The one I went to was a "golden" class so that could have been part of the issue with it too. I hope you feel better.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Definitely hit up a class of Zumba at the Y, our class is a good mixture of young and old, and I love it!

    WI this morning after my run and a trip the bathroom (TMI I know, but I hadn't gone in 4 days!) Back down to 145, yay! :)

    Ran 5.8 miles in 65 minutes pushing a stroller against win, with some help from my two friends of was rough, would have never made it that far if it weren't for them helping me though!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I weighed in this morning

    Starting wieght: 172.2
    Current weight: 168.8

    I've been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD and trying to stay true to my food diary! So far, so good!!
  • Hi there, I'd like to join this group too.

    Ashley, your story sounds so much like my own it's scary... First of all, I know exactly how it feels to be both overweight and short as I am 5ft 0 inches (if I stand real straight and think tall thoughts) and started out at 191lbs. That was at the end of November, when I was at the end of my rope.

    Since then I've lost 30lbs (last weigh-in - 158.6) - it is incredible and I never thought I'd get that far.

    My daughter is 22 months old and I spend a good portion of my day wondering how I could possibly be overweight chasing her around all day. I guess I spend the other portion of my day eating and not exercising (lol).

    Anyways, over the winter I managed to lose about 25 lbs through diet alone. Now I am enjoying adding exercise and fresh air into the mix (which also gives me some much needed extra calories to eat).

    Thanks for starting this post,

  • ~Katie YOU ROCK! 5.8 miles is waaaayyyy more than I could ever do especially pushing a stroller. I tend to do most of my walks when he is in "school". Looks like I will finally be getting back to it on Sunday when my mom returns to join me. I never thought I would miss exercising but I sure do.

    ~Ferff Great job! You are almost at your May 1st goal weight already. The 30 Day Shred must be the thing to try out so this weekend I will be looking.

    Welcome to the group! It is pretty small but it seems like I know the girls already. Our stories do sound just a like and I often wondered how at my highest weight of 210 did I chase my son around.

    That is great that you got so far with just eating right alone and I am sure with this nice weather you will be out more. Once you begin exercising in addition to your good diet the weight should fall off.

    Well good luck and hope you join in on the weigh in next week.
  • bookoholic
    bookoholic Posts: 72
    Hey ya'll,
    so how is everyone doing, I was gone for bit becuase of a loss to a dear friend. But I am back I will keep posting every week, even if I am the only one right now. Or if that is all right I can repost this as a different topic here is a few choice that sound good to me Good goals for mommas, Mazing mommas, Encouraging mommas, mommies,moms.
    Anyways for my weight
    Last weeks: 184
    This weeks: 180
    Overall goal 160
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