Lower back pain

So, around 3 years ago I started getting mild lower back pain. It started when I first tried yoga classes. I'm in my 40's. I've noticed that deadlifts & planks are 2 things that aggravate it. Stopped doing those, but have gradually tried to incorporate them again. So, from what I've read, strengthening your core is good to prevent lower back pain. But a lot of core strengthening exercises aggravate my lower back pain. If I don't do core exercises, it mostly goes away. I even tried a yoga dvd for lower back pain, and it hurts. Can anyone recommend a good book or resource on how to strengthen your core/prevent lower back pain? I've mentioned it to my doctors, but it isn't so bad that they've sent me for an MRI or anything. Usually it isn't noticeable unless I'm exercising my core!


  • diane1223
    diane1223 Posts: 43 Member
    I have the exact problem. Hope someone will come along and offer suggestions!
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    Strengthening the core is the key, try starting with more basic exercises and work your way up to planks and other things that are harder. I have the same issue after fracturing my lower back 6 years ago and have been slowly working on strengthening the core. I can now do planks for short amounts of time, 6 months ago it would have caused a lot of pain that did not go away. I find a lot of my exercises online, mostly at fitnessmagazin.com