After Finals......

Ok so I just finished finals. That means that I skipped 3 days of exercising, so I can only do 4 now. The thing is after getting back from 5 days of rest (counting sat and sun) I am soo tired exercising. =/ Today I am SO tired and sleepy but I want to work out to get results! Do you think I should take a break today? That means I only did 3 days of exercising this week! I'm doing Ballet Beautiful and trying to get a more toned butt, legs, etc...... will 1 week affect me a lot? :( Will I be more tired when I workout tomorrow? Thanks! ^^ I've been doing it for 2 weeks straight, and this is my 3rd week. I really really want results from this. 3 days isn't enough to slow down my progress and results, right?