Tricky tracking and joys of burning

So I know it is a bit anal retentive but I love tracking every calorie I take in, at least for a few weeks. I went out with my sister to a nice restaurant today and it bugs me to have to just make up the food I eat to try and track it. Usually I don't have this problem because I like to cook a lot. Especially since I joined this site I have cook in more often. Eating more fresh food and taking control of what goes in. Then if I am eating healthy I feel exercise is just as important. Even now sitting on the couch I wish I was working out. If it wasn't winter I would have the urge to run a few miles. Which is funny because I hate running and I know if I went more than two I would probably faint. Ok this post is rambling on and has no point. I guess, what makes you inspired to go on, what tricks and tips can you share to make sure we all keep going?