Need Solid Friends

Hi, I am Ashleigh. I am 450 pounds and 25 years old. I need friends who will look at my food journal, correct my bad choices and lift me up on binges. I am an emotional food addict. At the same time I am 15 weeks pregnant and have high blood pressure and need to safely lose weight. The baby is not growing to the right standards and my bp keeps spiking. I know this is because of preeclampsia but also my food choices. Help! If you would like to add me and encourage me, I will do the same with you. I am looking for bigger people because I have found that unless you have been big and lost weight, you just dont truly know. My sn is ahoefs87.

Thank you.


  • lifeviabrittney
    lifeviabrittney Posts: 28 Member
    I will definitely do my best to help you out! My name is Brittney. 24 years old and my starting weight was 297. That was just at the 1st of this year and by being healthy and tracking my food alone, I am down to 278 already! Hope we can lean on each other!
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I have at least 100 pounds to lose. I lost close to 50 before but then stopped logging, stopped coming on here and gained it all back plus 10 pounds. I'm looking for active friends on here to keep me accountable. hopefully we can help each other out.

    ETA: anyone can feel free to add me :laugh: