12 week challenge starting tmw - needing some friends

Hi everyone, I'm starting my 12 week challenge tomorrow. Anyone is more then welcome to join me. The more the merrier. I will be weighing myself weekly, measuring myself fortnightly with photos. I will be eating a clean eating diet as I I self sabotage All the time. I'm now putting it forward for all to see so I can't slack off. I have a half marathon in April and hoping to do a full marathon in September. I love running and I'm trying to get my running legs back after having a baby 4.5mths ago. Please add me as a friend and we can join the journey together. Let the fun begin.


  • EbonyEyEs83
    EbonyEyEs83 Posts: 3 Member
    This seems like a fun way to get the ball rolling! Count me in!:smile::smile:
  • gigglebabe86
    gigglebabe86 Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like a great idea, count me in also :) Im a great one for cheating and slacking off, so hopefully you girls can help push me
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    I am in!! I will be honest I don't own a scale, and for me and my past with scales I don't weight but once a month.
  • I'm in! Feel free to add me :)
  • 14coopera
    14coopera Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a little late, but I'm in! This would probably help me a lot :)
  • gigglebabe86
    gigglebabe86 Posts: 2 Member
    So i weighed in today and i have lost 1.5kg or for my american friends 3.3pounds :)