Cheat Days.



  • DatNative21
    DatNative21 Posts: 42 Member
    3 weeks into my cut heck no i got 4 more weeks but once i get down to 8% BF possibly going to do the micheal phelps challenge
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    i prefer refeed days because I can track it, it raises leptin levels replenishes glycogen stores, works just like a cheat day with the calorie surge.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I have a cheat meal once a week instead of a cheat day. I've noticed that cravings return with a vengeance if I eat two cheat meals in a row.
  • IamBorg
    IamBorg Posts: 49 Member
    I found this as I was about to post my first thread asking this exact question!

    Yes, but I call them "free" days for the psychological reason that has already been mentioned ("cheat" implies doing something wrong, which one must then feel guilty about later).

    My journey is a fitness journey, though a lot of weight needs to drop off before I can consider myself fit! I'm following the calorie plan prescribed by my doctor, so my daily calorie limit is rather low. The doctor also recommended having a "free day" each week. I decided that Saturday is a good day to be free, except for the week after next because the 13th is a Good Day to Die Hard, and I plan on eating popcorn at the marathon! Basically, having a free day gives me choices, and I'm a big fan of choices.

    Today I am well over my regular calorie limit, but I still reached my water and exercise goals. Strangely enough, I actually surpassed both my water and exercise goals.

    Even though I don't "have" to meet any of my goals on my free days, I really want to stay in the groove of water intake and exercise.

    I'm not really big on deprivation. I'm more into 'everything in moderation'. Of course, one could point out that my philosophy hasn't been working so well for me given that I'm heavier than twin baby hippos, but up til now moderation hasn't been one of my strong points.

    I guess it's really an individual thing. If having a cheat day throws off your mojo, then don't have cheat days. If cheat days help keep you on track and you are still meeting your goals, then go for it.

    ETA: I still try to log when I have a free day. I think it helps me not go too crazy!
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    3 weeks into my cut heck no i got 4 more weeks but once i get down to 8% BF possibly going to do the micheal phelps challenge

    You, sir, must record this feat.
  • zuzuanne88
    zuzuanne88 Posts: 104 Member
    whats a refeed day?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    whats a refeed day?

    A planned refeed is basically a day where you intentionally go over calories in a structured manner. This is often done in the form of a significant increase in carb intake for people who run on carb restricted diets.

    So basically, it's a cheat day, but it's controlled, and not a giant ****fest.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'll have a cheat meal every once in awhile, such as on special ocassions or when I'm out and about with my mom or friends, but then I like to work harder to burn it off. c:
  • dancinnik
    Eventually I plan on having "cheat" days but since i've only been actively working on getting healthier for about 2 weeks, I'm going to wait until I feel comfortable in that the next day I'll get back on track.
  • liannesimpson
    liannesimpson Posts: 7 Member
    I have a cheat day on the day i weigh in! its not really a day thing its a meal and i dont count cals on that day either its my day off! i simply have a bigger portion or eat a bit of something i wouldnt eat on any other day! Having that 1 day sort of stops me craving on the other days!
  • smurfentine
    I try to limit myself to one cheat meal a week, and I definitely put the extra time in the gym that day to try and balance it out.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    We have started a tradition of going to the shopping centre after the kids Aikido on a saturday. Because I have cut out all fast food (was eating far to much) and soft drink, I get something but add it in. I have trouble getting my calories on days I don't work. Saturday is also the day I can go on a big long walk. I get about 500 cals instead of my short walks which get less than 200 cals burnt. So seeing as I have trouble even getting a 1200 cal net on saturdays if I feel like a burger, or a beer at night that's the day I have it.

    As far as treats, I eat what I like and I like healthy food. So it's no hardship.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    while i was dieting i had 2 cheat days a week. it would usually be 3000 calories a day. didn't stop me. now i am underweight and every day is a "cheat"
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    No, why would I cheat myself? I eat in such a way that I go out on Saturday nights, have a great dinner out with my husband, have a few glasses of wine or some cocktails. It means I have to eat less during the week, but meh.

    I'm not cheating, it's simply part of my plan, and one that's working for me so far.

    And I do make an effort to track that meal to the best of my (usually tipsy) ability.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    No, why would I cheat myself? I eat in such a way that I go out on Saturday nights, have a great dinner out with my husband, have a few glasses of wine or some cocktails. It means I have to eat less during the week, but meh.

    I'm not cheating, it's simply part of my plan, and one that's working for me so far.

    And I do make an effort to track that meal to the best of my (usually tipsy) ability.

    what about your metabolism? do you jolt your calories atleast once a week? In the long run you're not going to see progress unless you do.
  • tegantheaverage
    tegantheaverage Posts: 142 Member
    Tomorrow will be mine and I'm just getting started so I don't want to go crazy because of the efforts so far.

    I'm trying though to figure out how to get to the movies without popcorn. LOL

    A friend of mine recently told me that she broke up some rice cakes into pop corn sized pieces and took them to the cinema. I thought it was really clever!
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    I have cheat weekends. It can never be just one day. Typically I'll eat at maintenance for the weekend and stay tight during the week. I'm close enough to my goal weight however so I'm not looking for a 2# a week loss (though .5# would be nice). It keeps me sane. Also, I work my favorite foods into my daily consumption if I'm craving something. So pizza gets consumed once a week fo sho!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Cheat meals: yes
    Cheat days: no

    A whole day of eating in excess would wipe out any gains that week.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    No, why would I cheat myself? I eat in such a way that I go out on Saturday nights, have a great dinner out with my husband, have a few glasses of wine or some cocktails. It means I have to eat less during the week, but meh.

    I'm not cheating, it's simply part of my plan, and one that's working for me so far.

    And I do make an effort to track that meal to the best of my (usually tipsy) ability.

    what about your metabolism? do you jolt your calories atleast once a week? In the long run you're not going to see progress unless you do.


    I eat a nice dinner out. Usually with desert. Certainly with alcohol. I've lost 43kgs. I have about 18 more to lose. I've been losing weight over three years. Granted because I've had a reasonably severe back injury it was stalled out for about six months because I was out of the gym and frankly feeling a little sorry for myself, I didn't gain anything back, either.

    Just because I haven't been logging here forever, doesn't mean I don't log. I was with Livestrong, but I left.

    How are you defining progress today?