Curious about carbs

sharnie_007 Posts: 40
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have set my diet plan to loose a lb a week meaning i get 1580 calories. i went 4g over on my carbs today but ive eaten under 1300 calories. Im curious to know something .... even though im not eating many calories e.g today was 1269 .... will i still struggle to loose weight because im consuming a lot of carbs ... my carbs are things like wholewheat pasta.... weetabix and white bread. am i going to loose wieght or will the carbs be making me put on weight x


  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I want to know the answer to this too!
  • foods like white breads have simple sugars in them which turn to fat.. I don't know what to tell you about how many carbs you should be eating.. but I know I can usually have 1 or 2 whole grain products a day and then use up the rest of my carbs by eating things like fruits and veggies..
  • NaomiLyn
    NaomiLyn Posts: 16
    This is a hard question to answer for everyone because all our bodies process food differently. If I were to eat refined carbs (anything processed) I gain weight. But, I can have a fair amount of unrefined carbs (whole grains, steel cut oats, etc) and I lose weight. So, it definitely depends on your body. Keep track of it for a week or so, and see if you can see any trends in your weight gain/loss around the days that you have more carbs.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you're going over like 2g, I don't think it'll make a big difference. Do try to make sure your carbs are good carbs though...fruits and certain veggies like potatoes are high in carbs but they're natural so they're not really "bad" for you so I wouldn't say cut them out, maybe just limit them. I usually go over my carbs because I eat a lot of fruit and fruit has a lot of natural sugar in it, but I don't really bother with it because I know it's good for me. I do try to make sure my other carbs are whole grains mostly or in small portions.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Not sure, but what I do know is you should not be eating white bread, it is similar to eating refined sugar from a jar, no health benefit.
  • yes my carbs today mainly consisted of brown pasta and weetabox which im sure isnt that bad for you!
  • buggaboo73
    buggaboo73 Posts: 169
    I set it to show me sugar and fiber. I don't really look at the carbs as a whole but as long as I stay under on sugar and adequate or over on fiber, I figure I am getting the more complex carbs and that is good, taht is the stuff that fills you up, keeps your cravings low, etc.. Hope this helps.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    yes my carbs today mainly consisted of brown pasta and weetabox which im sure isnt that bad for you!

    it's not bad. Basically complex carbohydrates are generally ok, it's what others have said. If you look at the ingredients and it says, processed wheat flour, or bleached or refined, then you probably don't want it. You really want to look for the words whole grain, or unprocessed, or coarse (I.E. whole grain, coarse ground wheat flour)

    What we're looking for is grains that have as much intact fiber as possible, the bran and germ essentially.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    I agree slightly with the whole grain thing, although you should be looking for %100 whole grain, not just whole grain. To take it a step further if you are really serious about it then consuming only sprouted grains is even better for us. Try Ezekiel bread for example to replace any other breads you might use. A good rule of thumb about carbs is to keep them as natural and unrefined as possible.
  • bby_baer
    bby_baer Posts: 39
    I agree slightly with the whole grain thing, although you should be looking for %100 whole grain, not just whole grain. To take it a step further if you are really serious about it then consuming only sprouted grains is even better for us. Try Ezekiel bread for example to replace any other breads you might use. A good rule of thumb about carbs is to keep them as natural and unrefined as possible.

    Ezekial bread is awesome! My kids even eat it, and the when they have friends over I just don't tell them that it is 'different' and not one of them have ever said a word! Many ppl that find out I eat it think I am strange and automatically assume it is disgusting, but it's not. Even if you don't care for it much the first time, try it a few more times and most likely you will acquire the taste. I don't buy anything else! Although I do buy Spelt bread for my toddler because I have found that the Ezekial is a bit too seedy for her and causes some pretty nasty diapers (sorry if that's TMI). Ezekial also make Awesome french toast, which then of course is a yummy way of getting your protein from eggs in!
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