Casein Powder for Bedtime

So I was reading my Oxygen magazine and there was a question of whether Whey or Casein was better for you. Most people espeically if you workout know what whey powder is, but Casein is something I've never heard. The article said BOTH were good, but should be used in different way. Whey is better for pre or post workout since it helps with muscle recovery. However Casein is better before bed since it protects from muscle breaking down and is slow acting. I love muscle milk and I found that CytoSport (same makers of muscle milk) make Casein powder. Anyways this is a little of an question, discussion, and interesting information I wanted to give out. So has anyone tried it? One question I really have if someone has or does have it before bed, does it help in the morning?? Side note*** I get super hungry in the morning and from all my tossing and turning I tend to burn calories so I normally have to eat right before bed ( I know it's bad, but it helps me from becoming the Hulk).
Anyways what's everyone's input?


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    In before people start telling you that Casein causes cancer.

    Anyway, I prefer blended proteins that contain several different types. For example, my current favorite is Protogen, which has Whey, Casein, Milk, and Egg proteins.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I prefer ice cream before bed.

    It has the same - if not better - muscle-sparing effects of casein or cottage cheese, and helps protect my gainz from catabolism.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    It's certainly not essential (muscle breakdown overnight is just a non-issue IMO) however if that helps you hit your protein target, you have the money to spare and you enjoy it then go for it.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    I prefer ice cream before bed.

    It has the same - if not better - muscle-sparing effects of casein or cottage cheese, and helps protect my gainz from catabolism.
