Oh my aching Gallbladder. :/



  • ting1789
    ting1789 Posts: 11 Member
    When I had galbladder attacks it would feel like a lady with huge nails was just clawing at my stomach. I also had horrible goldenrod colored diarrhea that started a good 2 months before things got serious. I had an attack that lasted 12 hours, but I ignored it hoping that it would go away.

    The next morning I was in the ER, they gave me morphine, and told me to go home and set a date for surgery. Once the morphine wore off the pain returned and I continually had the urge to throw up even after everything, including all bile, was out. I was back in the ER less than 12 hours after I had left and by that time I had developed pancreatitis.

    2 days later I had "emergency" galballder removal and it was the best thing I ever did. If you're young and have sludge already it's better to have it taken out now because you're pretty much guaranteed to fight the good fight until it's removed. Mine acted up after I was put on metformin and lost 50lbs. I was recovering from surgery on my 16th birthday.